Tuesday, January 03, 2006


They just came on FOX News and reported that they found 12 of the 13 miners ALIVE after nearly two days trapped underground.

They had earlier found one of the miners dead about 2 miles into the entrance passage.

At first, rescue crews moved slowly through the mine shaft, because they had to stabilize it and repair the roof as they went along. But on Tuesday, officials said, the rescuers realized they had no time to waste and abandoned that approach.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration had rescue and safety specialists on the scene, set up a command center and brought in a robot capable of exploring areas too dangerous for humans. But the robot was abandoned after it became bogged down in the mud.

The cause of the explosion was under investigation. Coal mine explosions are typically caused by buildups of naturally occurring methane gas. Manchin spokeswoman Lara Ramsburg said earlier that it may have been sparked by lightning.

I have to admit that I didn't personally hold out much hope as the clock ticked onward, but here is proof that self sufficent PEOPLE can take care of themselves, without GOVERNMENT intervention, given the opportunity and training.

I wish that the media would get the hell out and let the families celebrate and tell us all about it tomorrow after a good nights sleep.

Nope...Geraldo is already poised to get in their coal smudged faces...

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