I want to take this opportunity to point out a young woman that I added to my Blog roll last year. I'm sorry that I don’t know her name…on her Blog she goes by the name Capital Freedom.
She is a GREAT writer, and the intellectual development of her commentary is flawless. Miss Capital Freedom doesn’t have to resort to using profanity as I tend to do.
She, instead, lets the profanity of the concept speak the dirty words while she opines on top of the issue—directing your attention to the subtle nuances of the topic at hand.
If I were twenty years younger I might toss my hat into the ring…never mind…
Any way…read this if you have the time...It’s entitled "The Law", by Frederick Bastiat.
Fred wrote it amid the French Revolution in the1850’s.
Fred didn’t like socialism because he believed that it invaritably lead to (gasp) communism.
Fred was right, and I wish that every school kid could be compelled to read his work.
Hell, I wish that every American VOTER was forced to read, chew up, and digest a copy before we have our next general election.
No such luck…I'm afraid that we’re now a country completely dedicated to CLASS WARFARE and MOB RULE.
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