Saturday, February 18, 2006

Always The Bridesmaid

Never The Bride…

It would seem that, as usual, I’m a few years late to the party.

The “Blogging” party, that is.

My Blog Idol Steve over at Hog On Ice is in the process of lamenting that the blogosphere should be written off as a meaningless lost cause, even though he has written two cookbooks, self published one of them, and has a new deal with a publisher for a book about Nigerian spammers warming up on the presses as I write these apparently meaningless words.

I tend to disagree.

I think that the blogosphere is alive and well, simply because you are here reading my rantings and ravings. Further, I revel in the idea that I can indiscriminately utter the words “shit”, “damn”, and “H-E-double hockey sticks” in any political context along with verbal images and allegory involving words like “anal” and I AM SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT OF MY WEBSITE.

Love it or leave it, I have a giant billboard out there on the information superhighway, and Al Gore be damned, if you Google my name—Virgil Rogers—I am by-God # 1 on the list delivered to your computer screen.

I, personally, think that blogging has yet to reach its ultimate potential.

For instance, this very moment I happen to be sitting atop of a huge news story here on our little island and the only thing that has kept me from publishing it is my fear of ending my life, figuratively if not physically, due to the far reaching repercussions that will ensue as a result.

Blogging is the ultimate news format—it just requires that the consumer follow the old Latin adage “Caveat Emptor”—“let the buyer beware…”

Most people aren’t used to owning and paying the quantity and type of intellectual currency that is required to exist in a market such as this.

Rather than relying on receiving your news from a bunch of idiots that managed to make it past the entrance board of the Columbia School of Journalism, why not look down the street or across the planet to someone that has lived and died in a given process or situation and can tell you why they know more about a given subject than the apologists that tell us that we aren’t winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people?

I, personally, want information, not rhetoric.

I want facts and figures upon which I can base significant decisions I have to make in my life, not a bunch of pre-processed crappola regurgitated by morons who’s only qualifications are a badge saying “journalist” on it and a sheepskin tendered after four years of spending Mom and Dad’s money living at the Sorority or Fraternity house.

This is where the blogs are best suited to filling in the gaps.

Now me and my friend Mr. Sasquatsh are going to get on our UFO and fly back to the mother ship...

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