Monday, February 13, 2006

Eighteen Months 'O Bloggin'

Wo0o0o Ho0o0o...Que Up The Balloons and Cake...

I forgot to mention that this weekend represented yet another milestone in my blogging career--18 months of writing a few thousand words almost every darn day.

For Free...(read that no remuneration or compensation)

I also just passed 12,500 visiters of which probably half were unique hits, hardly spectacular as blogging standards go, but hey--I have no standards and neither should you if you elect to hang around this website.

All I know is that my typing and writing skills have vastly improved (ok, stop snickering) and I swear that I'm going to get a real paying book deal out of my cooking blog, The Redneck Gourmet before 2006 is over with.

I also believe that my investigative news skills are improving and that I am going to be able to get some freelance magazine and news articles published this year.

Yeah, I know you don't believe me, but my Mom and my Sister and Pat and Pam and Bucky and Rusty and I do, and that's all that really matters to me...

1 comment:

Carol ReMarks said...

Hey, congratulations! Oh and by the way, I have a dear friend who grew up on St. Simons island. Cool.

Keep bloggin' on.