Monday, February 13, 2006

Why Are They Shooting Their Mouth Off…

When They Actually Don’t Know How To Shoot?

OK, remember that I’ve said that I practically grew up with a gun in my hand?

BB gun at 8 years, 22 at 10, 22 magnum rifle at 12, and my own 12 gauge shotgun when I was about 15 years old.

Oh, and just to make the anti-gun liberal's heads spin around nice and fast, I'll mention my compensated S&W 10 shot semi-auto 22 target pistol and the additional 30-06 rifle and the lovely Belgian-made Browning 12 gauge semi-auto shotgun that I inherited from my Grandfather.

(Please feel free to call the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, and possibly your local PTA if your kids live nearby because I'm likely to attempt to teach them how to safely handle and shoot my weapons if I get the chance...did I mention today that my idea of gun control is HITTING THE INTENDED TARGET, EVERY DAMN TIME?)

I didn’t say anything here on the blog this weekend, but I just knew that all of the limp-wristed, pansy-assed, liberal, city slickers that think that guns jump out of closets unsupervised and kill people would be all over Vice president Dick Cheney’ hunting mishap on Saturday.

They can’t decide if Cheney is stupid, just a plain menace, or if he is just a secretive bastard for helping take care of his fellow hunter rather than running to the media to give them an extra day’s head start on bashing him in the headlines.

As usual, I have a little piece of information that you need to know about this incident, and it is really ALL you need to know to absolve Mr. Cheney of any guilt other than pulling the trigger in a hunting ACCIDENT.

According to my sources, the 78 year old ex-lawyer and real estate investor Harry Whittington had walked away from the hunting party, then re-appeared on VP Cheney’s right flank—UNANNOUNCED—a serious no-no in hunting vernacular.

I’ve hunted birds in an open brush covered field with three or four people before and you always agree on your positions and fields of fire prior to beginning the hunt and you do not encroach on your fellow hunter’s range area unless you want to go home picking lead out of your ass and other more sensitive and important areas of your body.

I know that the press will have their way with this story and that the late night talk show hosts will lampoon him for a few weeks, but remember…

WAAAY back when Candidate sKerry went goose hunting during the 2004 presidential campaign in an attempt to pander to the NRA and the rest of the pro gun lobby? As I recall, he donned $2,000 worth of clothes, grabbed a $20,000 custom Beretta shotgun, wandered out into a marsh, and supposedly shot several geese.

The only thing was that the stupid bastard was too chicken shit to actually carry his trophies out of the swamp—he had his hunting guides do it so his panty wasted liberal supporters and the PETA people wouldn’t see him in the midst of the carnage.

I bet the NY Times would have rather that Cheney’s party tied the old man hand and feet to a big tree limb and hauled his bleeding carcass out of the woods to a campfire in front of reporters rather than call an ambulance and worry about digging a few tiny pieces of birdshot out of his flesh with a scapel and forceps.

The press has never, never ever, ever been kind to Cheney, and what they are really mad at him about here is that a little newspaper in Texas was allowed to "scoop" the Whitehouse press corps.

Think about it this way...Cheney was on one of the much lamented "vacations" from the Capitol, hunting on private land as a private citizen. Emergency medical aid was rendered, the proper legal authorites were contacted, what else would you or I be expected to do if we had been involved in a situation like this?


Now you’ll have to excuse me… but I’ve got to go clean my guns before I hurt someone ...

1 comment:

Richthofen said...

Wait a sec. There's no such thing as an "ex-lawyer". Cheney shot a lawyer.

This is supposed to be a bad thing?