Tuesday, February 14, 2006

More Hunting Horror Stories

The Plot Thickens...

As usual when something happens in the world that gets major attention, the "lamestream" media just can't help themselves--they just got to produce sideline and background stories and toss every conceivable moron with an ax to grind onto the pages of the newspapers and onto your TV screen at night.

I winced my way through Paula Zann's CNN broadcast this evening and they were running around lamenting kids being taught to shoot at a young age and wondering if they were psychologically prepaired to grasp the meaning of their actions. You see, liberals lament a lack of gun safety in our culture, but we can't even be allowed to solve the problem by teaching young people to safely handle weapons.

Then I ran across this silly "gun safety" story about a guy mistaking his hunting partner's elbow for a squirrel:

Golden Township, Michigan--A man was shot and injured when his hunting partner mistook his elbow for a squirrel, authorities said.

Michigan State Police said George Arthur Sikkenga, 64, of Muskegon, Michigan was wounded Sunday morning in Golden Township, in Michigan's west-central Lower Peninsula.

Sikkenga was wearing camouflage clothing except for an orange hat, which he had covered with a hood after sitting down behind a tree, The Muskegon Chronicle reported.

His clothed elbow was all of him that was visible when his friend, Gregory Scott Wood approached from behind the tree and fired his weapon, which the Ludington Daily News described as a .17-caliber rifle.

Sikkenga was transported to a local hospital, where he was treated and released.

Police were investigating the shooting.

You got to love a story like that, and of course the media will probably try to tie it into VP Dick Cheney's little hunting accident last weekend. Besides trying to impune all hunters as ingnorant, inbread, mouth breathing morons or some kind of anarchists. they will probably be quite excited to announce the introduction of the new "Cheney-Meaney" line of camouflage clothing.

I did a little photoshopping and came up with this picture of my prototype for their first offering in this distinctive product line:

I'll be placing my order by telephone later this morning.

Why don't YOU call up and order a complete outfit for the hunter in your family?

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