Thursday, February 16, 2006


Less is More...

Excuse the image color, but my flash was killing the contrast and I want you to see the poor conditions at my coffee table where I'm trying to do excellent work. The photo really doesn't do the image justice, but just like a camera adds pounds to your carcass, it has helped me refine my image over the past six hours.

I need to stop while I'm ahead...

All the real nerds in my audience will also notice that I screwed up the design at the top of the center window, but I salvaged the drawing any way and unless you are looking at a picture of the building you'll never notice. What started out as a test drawing I think is a keeper, even if it only hangs in the hallway here in our condo.

I'm also going to Ace Hardware or CVS today to buy my first pair of reading glasses because I can't see a damn thing sitting 8" away from the paper.

Good God I hate glasses, because they're something else that I can misplace or lose.

I don't normally wear ANY jewelry and I'm usually happy to make it to bed with my head attached and my pants and underwear on (to Pat's relief) each evening, but I hate to admit that I need reading glasses now to see inside of arm's length.

Getting old sucks royally...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

virgil, go to ace hardware and get you 5 pairs of their $3.99 reading glasses and put a pair everywhere you`re sure to need them. don`t forget that pair in your favorite bathroom. bob.