Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Barbara Streisand Joins The Liberal Meltdown

This morning I was doing my normal snooping for news and reading my favorite Blogger sites when Matt Drudge's site alerted me to yet another liberal meltdown on the internet.

Barbara Streisand has a website that she has used in the past to promote her personal agenda, including making a number of "Michael Moore" type rants against the Republican Party and President George Bush. You do remember that it was her and her husband, James Broland, who were major forces behind the Ronald Regan bashing movie that caused all of the stir earlier this year?

My advise to Ms. Barbara is to keep on raking in the millions making the rare acting and/or singing appearance and leave the thinking and voting to the balance of America. I have this theory that every dollar you earn costs you one brain cell, and when you start getting into the hundreds of millions you start becoming long on financial where withall and short on mental capital. I submit most of the Hollywood elite as evidence to support this thesis.

And I rest my case, your honor...

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