It’s just a simple fact…Hang on a second; because I have a few things to say in my preface, then I’ll get to this morning’s real topic.
Ever since my first “social experiences” way back in 1965—in Kindergarten—I’ve understood that most people my age and younger are f**king idiots. I hate to say so, and it's sad because I think that it's not hereditary. It's actually a manifestation of their environment, education, and their upbringing (or the lack thereof.)
I’ve also suspected that this affliction extended way beyond my own age group, but as a matter of respect I’ve waited to obtain solid evidence before making this assertion about other age groups. I can honestly say in retrospect, that most of my public (government) school teachers fell into this category.
This morning I reluctantly have to announce that I consider the jury to be in—on all counts—and sadly I’ve been correct all along.
Let's look at the evidence...Take our little elections for things like “Class King and Queen”, for instance.
The title of “King” and “Queen” were incidental in those simple old days, and the concept of actually having any so-called “class” was overridden by the reality that at least half of my classmates (including the aforementioned “king” and “queen”) still wet their beds each and every night and most couldn’t successfully use a fork and knife to stuff food in their own pudgy faces.
Beauty and popularity were everything, and voting for a loser was to be considered a personal defeat. We were taught at an early age to go with the herd…run with the Lemmings…jump off that cliff. God forbid that you risk being different and going against the flow, lest you be considered a “loser” (along with your candidate.)
I could write another five pages about my family’s association with the George Wallace branch of the “yellow dog” Democratic party, but since the media has successfully re-written history and good old George and Strom and Senator Byrd’s legacy of racial insanity has been expunged, I'll save my words and your time because I’d probably just be called insane or a liar, or maybe the liberals would choose to just ignore me as an unfortunate expounder of facts that shouldn’t be allowed to get into the way of their liberal good intentions.
Today I find myself having lived through and voted in SEVEN national elections for president, not to mention numerous state and local elections involving mundane things like adding a penny sales tax on Cheese Whiz and Beef Jerky to fund new water pipes and trash service for “invalids and shut-ins.”
Let’s face it ladies and gentlemen…even after graduating from Kindergarten, Grade School, Junior High, High School, and Columbia or Harvard Universities—many out there are still uninformed, hard headed morons and will go to their graves voting with, arguing about, and maintaining their status as a F**king Partisan Idiots.
I can’t understand how in the world FULL GROWN ADULTS would choose to act like politics is a sports team or is like electing the class or Prom King and Queen, but 49% of America and at least 75% of the world sits around with their head up their collective asses, apparently because they VOTED for the idiots in charge and God forbid that they should change their stance and party affiliation in the middle of the process of LIFE.
Even more amazing to me is that hardly anyone votes in this country. What a truly great opportunity, and what an amazingly awesome RESPONSIBILITY.
For instance, we recently had a poorly staged county referendum to decide on a new “SPLOST” (special local option sales tax.) Something like 15% of the eligible voters turned out, and it won by a 65-35 margin.
At the same time I have to listen to the endless ravings of various pontificating “blue collar” “working men” while they bitch and complain about the taxes they are FORCED to pay, yet they also admit that they don’t vote because they believe that their vote doesn’t make a difference.
Bull Hockey.
If you don’t vote, I say that you have absolutely no entitlement to say a damn thing about what goes on outside the fence line of your own private property, and that you shouldn’t be surprised if someone from the GOVERNMENT doesn’t show up in short order and start telling you where you can pee and what and when you can eat. They might even knock on your door one day and tell you that your lovely GOVERNMENT now owns your property and you need to get the hell out.
Now I submit, for your consideration, this article from
this morning’s NY Times:WASHINGTON, Feb 20--In a seven-year-old secret program at the National Archives, intelligence agencies have been removing from public access thousands of historical documents that were available for years, including some already published by the State Department and others photocopied years ago by private historians.
The restoration of classified status to more than 55,000 previously declassified pages began in 1999, when the Central Intelligence Agency and five other agencies objected to what they saw as a hasty release of sensitive information after a 1995 declassification order signed by President Bill Clinton. It accelerated after the Bush administration took office and especially after the 2001 terrorist attacks, according to archives records.
But because the reclassification program is itself shrouded in secrecy — governed by a still-classified memorandum that prohibits the National Archives even from saying which agencies are involved — it continued virtually without outside notice until December. That was when an intelligence historian, Matthew M. Aid, noticed that dozens of documents he had copied years ago had been withdrawn from the archives' open shelves.
Mr. Aid was struck by what seemed to him the innocuous contents of the documents — mostly decades-old State Department reports from the Korean War and the early cold war. He found that eight reclassified documents had been previously published in the State Department's history series, "Foreign Relations of the United States."
So what is the NY Times’ point here?
The government has SECRETS, and it's wrong?
Ohhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Eeeeeeeeeeee Owwwwwwww
Funny thing…because they do bother to say that this new "reclassification" program began during the “Philanderer-in-chief” President Bill Clinton’s administration, but they glaze over that fact in continuing to bash the Bush administration with allegations of E-V-I-L behaviors and insideous aspirations of mis-doings.
I think that my head is going to finally explode…something that I’ve been worrying about for the past twenty years.
The NY Times seems to think that the only time the government could possibly have any secrets it must involve the Vice President shooting hunting companions or political operatives “outing” people that aren’t actually under cover.
In the NY Times world view, there is no possible way that having a “Secret” can be a GOOD THING—something to be respected—something in the INTEREST OF OUR NATION.
So the NY Times runs around talking to
criminals and leakers “informed sources” and publishes everything they can find about the federal government in an effort to undermine our military in wartime and limit our ability to gather intelligence about what our enemies want to do to us.
I've had it right up to here (pointing to the top of my ever balding head.)
Everyone will be pleased to know that I think that I have a solution that is going to piss off all of the liberals and eco-tree-hugging assholes, but I don't care because I really believe that I'm on to something here. We will, however, have to give all of the Yankees that have already relocated to the south an opportunity to apply for amnesty and sign a pledge to stop telling us how they do things up north, or else we can bus them back north of the Mason Dixon line and wish them all a "wonderful life."
First, I want us to divide the country up—reminiscent of the idea of the south’s succession back in 1862.
We’ll (the Libertarians and the Republicans) will take everything between Texas and Florida, and south of Kentucky and Virginia, and we'll keep all of the US military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard) that wants to come along with us.
The rest of the
geniuses, rocket scientists, panty wasted, bleeding hearted, bed wetting liberals can have everything else left over—lock, stock, barrel, and Nor’easters. They can start their own country, and we'll keep the one that was formed in 1776.
They can have Gay marriage, Abortion on demand, ban greenhouse gasses, sign the Kyoto Treaty, impeach everyone they don't agree with, tax everyone that makes over $75,000 at 95%, build new three bedroom homes for the homeless, institute socialized medicine, hand out PHD's in panhandling, institute Gay, Lesbian, and "transgendered" studies in the third grade, and generally prove how caring and compassionate they are to the rest of the world.
They will have to live with their own new golden rule, however.
I know that they will all be so relieved.
I even have an idea for the name of their new country (since we'll be keeping the old one.)
They can call themselves Canada South, or maybe South Canada--sorta reminiscient of "South America," if you know what I mean.
Meanwhile, we'll go back to enforcing the original US Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the first thing I'd do is eliminate all income taxes. We'd immediately go to collecting a
National Retail Sales Tax.
Everyone will get a nice framed picture of John Wayne, they'd get to keep every penny they earn free from income tax, go (or not go) to the church of their choice, say (or not say--without passing a new law) the Pledge of Allegience, Pray (or not Pray--without passing a new law) before kickoff at football games, donate (or not donate) to charities of their choice, teach (or not teach) their own children about sex when they feel that the time is right, and feel free to sign (or not sign) a petition telling Alex Baldwin, Barbara Streisand, and Arianna Huffington to
shut their big stupid yaps shut the hell up.
Wouldn't that be marvelous? I'd be happy as hell, and most people could get on with their lives in relative safety and have a heck of alot more freedom and more of their own money to spend exercising their newly found freedoms.
Of course you know that we'd have to rescue South Canada from their stupid selves inside of a five year timespan--forced to station troops on their borders and sending massive packages of foreign aid money through the UN to keep them financially solvent.
Imagine that ...
What a utopia...
No one would be working, because they'd all be dieing of aids or sitting on their asses collecting government checks, or if they had "won life's lottery" they'd be busy spending their inheritance consulting with their accountants to protect their money in offshore bank accounts.
That's OK however.
Better US than them...
and I'd get to say yet again...