Someone Write ME A Check...
I'm sorry Folks...I really was planning on having a quiet evening and not bitching about anything, but then I read
this article on Boston.Com titled "Homeless Use Of Hotels On The Rise."
Click on the link and go read the whole thing if you can stand it, but here's the part that got my head over pressurizing and starting to rotate...
The number of homeless families living in motels funded by the state now tops more than 1,000, a dramatic 37 percent increase since June 1, a top official for the state Department of Housing and Community Development said yesterday.Tina Brooks, undersecretary of the department, said 1,010 families - including more than 1,400 children - are now living in motels, at a monthly cost of about $2.8 million for taxpayers.
“It’s a huge strain,’’ said Brooks after a hearing of the joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.(snip)“We need to keep the safety net, as vulnerable as it is,’’ said Frost.
In an effort to quickly move families out of state-funded shelters, the housing department started an emergency program in late July to provide rental assistance to families who need help for up to 12 months. Brooks said 352 families received help in the program’s first month, at a cost of $850,000. She said this is a better use of money than putting them in shelters, where families live an average of eight months at a cost of $24,000 per family.Got all that?
OK...lets get out the old calculator and do some math here.
In the second paragraph they say they've spent $2,800,000 a month keeping 1,010 "families" in motels.
Then in the last paragraph quoted they say they've tossed out $850,000 taxpayer dollars keeping 352 "families" in "motels" because it costs $24,000 per month to keep them in "shelters."
Give me a &%$#!ing break here people.
I own a house and pay my mortgage and utilities every single month for less than $1,750 per month including electricity and water and garbage and cable TV and VoIP phone and even the cost of two cell phones.
But we've got GOVERNMENT spending somewhere between $650 and $1,250 per month more MONTHLY to keep "homeless" "families" in MOTELS?
OK...after thinking for about THIRTY SECONDS I think that I have an idea that could save us all some real money in the long run.
Why not cut these "homeless" "families" a CHECK for a reasonable amount like $1,500 each month and kick their stupid asses into the street and let them do like I do and RENT or BUY themselves a place to live.
Seriously, what's wrong with that option?
Could it be that because of generations of government coddling and meddling we have ever increasing hoards of people that either are incapable of or refuse to take care of themselves and their babies?
And look at the cost to society.
Better's another a neat plan I like...
I'll take the government shelter check for $3000 and continue to pay the current operating expenses and let the "homeless" "family live in my house, and then I'll buy another nicer house and Me and Pat and the Turbo Pup will live there.
That way I'll be making payments on two houses and the government will be subsidizing the increase in equity value I gain over time.
At least at the end of the program two families will have had places to live for a year and someone (that would be ME...your lovely and talented TAXPAYER) will have gained financially from the arrangement...other than the hotel/motel owner.
I swear people, if you don't get agitated every time you see stupid stuff like this in the news and you continue to believe that it's a good idea to allow the Obamamaniacs to extend their filthy tentacles into even more areas of our lives then you deserve what's coming to you in the next twenty years.
I, personally, elect to get old and die fighting before they screw things up completely.