The Insanity Continues...Is it only me that understands that the US of "By-God" '
Merica is basically going BROKE these days?
No...wait...I seem to recall reading something to that effect on some blogs here on the Internet and hearing similar assertions on some of the programs on FOX News.
And for some reason I think I've heard that President
Obamarama and the
Obamamaniacs have commissioned something called a "Debt
Commission" to address our government's prolific spending.
Then I read
this article in "The Hill" saying that this week we had packed VP
Biden's stupid bumbling ass off to Europe to do guess what???
Vice President Joseph Biden on Saturday addressed the press with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and pledged the U.S. would support efforts to stem the financial crisis that has befallen Greece and potentially other countries within the European Union.
“We agreed on the importance of a resolute European action to strengthen the European economy and to build confidence in the markets,” Biden said. “And I conveyed the support of the United States of America toward those efforts and was pleased to hear the efforts that were under way on the part of the president.”
The European Union and the International Monetary Fund have pledged $145 billion to bail out the country of Greece, which has recently become overwhelmed with debt. The U.S. is the largest contributor to the IMF.Just like our government spending with the United Nations (something I totally disagree with), this latest round of taxpayer funded bailout of people who generally thumb their noses at us and hate us is TOTAL UNMITIGATED BULLSHIT...
here and look at how much of our/your money goes to the IMF this year...or more accurately, the percentage of the IMF funding that the US of A is on the hook for giving the these socialist bastards so they can continue to lead us down the path to a similar destruction as Greece is enduring right now.
Try SEVENTEEN PERCENT (actually 17.09%)?
With Japan a distant second at 6.12 percent.
In a world full of hundreds of
sovereign independent nations, who in the %$#@ came up with these funding rules???
...that you and I and your grandmother and great aunt Emma here in the US handle the bulk of the costs while everybody else has their heads stuck up into their
neither regions flipping us the middle finger and telling us what we're doing wrong all day?
not sorry, but I have to go get in the car now after drying my head off from sticking it into a bucket of ice water. If I think about this crap for two
minutes longer my head will explode...