Saturday, December 10, 2005
Weekend Reading Assignments
On the other hand, if you read the mainstream newspapers, you, like me, probably feel the need to keep a roll of toilet paper around to use to wipe the crap off your person when you're done consuming their partisan drivel.
I spend about four to six hours each day writing my blogs, reading other people's blogs, and studying news on the internet. When I write a blog posting, I always try to tell my readers what parts of my writing are opinion/belief and what parts are facts based on an external source. In other words, I provide a link to the internet source so that you can go and check the facts yourself.
Unfortunately, I think that some of my best work has come across too dry and detailed and many readers either don't have the time or don't want to take the time to follow the logical development of my argument(s).
The other extreme of my writing is what my friend Rusty calls "getting in touch with my inner Sam Kinnison." It usually takes the form of a mild profanity laced diatribe that spontaneously comes spewing out of my brain in response to some particularly stupid situation that has developed in the world--and possibly the inane response of the media elites to the situation.
I promise to keep on working, but I'm afraid that I still haven't been able to develop my writing skills to the level of one of the original bloggers--"pampleteer" Thomas Paine.
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
Doesn't that passage, written in 1776 during the Revolutionary War, seem applicable today?
If you liked that, check out the writing of Norman Podhoretz that references Mr. Paine in the upcoming January issue of "Commentary" magazine.
It's a little long, but well worth your time...
Friday, December 09, 2005
Compulsory Volunteering
I keep catching glimpses of this topic in the news every now and then. I saw a brief mention of it this morning on FOX news and I just had to look further into the situation and write about what I found.
Since I don’t have any children, I haven’t actually had any firsthand experiences with the modern cultural bastardization of the concept of charity and volunteer work, but I know it’s out there and that it is spreading.
When I was a kid I was taught by my parents that it was a good idea to share my toys with other children in a social situation. As I grew older I learned about doing charitable work, again from my parents, through our involvement with our church and programs like Operation Santa Clause—processing and transporting donated toys to needy families in my little home town in Alabama.
As a college student and an adult, I’ve basically been free to become a stingy old SOB and hoard all of my money and the balance of my time not spent sleeping or working for my own use if I wanted to.
After all, I pay my taxes, and once the heavy handed government tax levy is met, wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that my time and money are mine, Mine, MINE…ALL MINE?
Am I missing something here?
Well, actually that’s not true. Fortunately my Mama raised a man that likes doing charity work, and I’ve spent literally thousands of hours over the past ten years working for Habitat for Humanity and more recently supporting the arts in my local community.
Funny thing though--my community service work, whether it’s driving nails on a house for Habitat, serving food in a shelter on Thanksgiving, or building sets for children’s plays at the local theater, all share one thing in common:
That’s V-O-L-U-N-T-E-E-R.
Do you understand what I mean?
Well, volunteering isn’t what it used to be, and the government has come riding to the rescue believing that they once again need to step in and help remedy a situation that they have actually created.
Did you know that the government (public) schools and now many private colleges and universities have decided to make “community service” by their students compulsory, not voluntary? They're actually telling their students that they "owe" a portion of their lives to "the common good."
I think that the concept is a complete load of crappola. This is yet another example of socialism creeping insideously into our culture and education system.
It’s not enough that many of us spend forty to fifty percent of our time working to pay the government the money that they take from our own families and give to total strangers, now the government and the government schools are promoting “giving” even more of our time to total strangers—this time under the guise of “public service.”
Tulane University in New Orleans is the latest victim of this skewed politically correct insanity:
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (AP) -- Tulane University announced plans Thursday to lay off about 230 faculty members and shut down some programs to cope with the financial damage done by Hurricane Katrina.
In a set of budget cuts totaling about $100 million, the university will eliminate about 180 faculty positions at its medical school and about 50 in its undergraduate and graduate programs.
Before the storm struck on August 29, Tulane had about 2,500 faculty members and 13,200 students -- nearly 8,000 undergraduates and 5,200 in graduate school. But the campus in the city's Uptown section has been closed since Katrina's floodwaters ruined New Orleans and scattered most of its half-million inhabitants.
The university plans to resume classes next month, though it expects a costly drop in enrollment.
Here is what their announcement to returning undergrad students had to say:
The College will include several features to enhance the overall Tulane undergraduate experience, including a common core curriculum for all undergraduates, a public service requirement and an expanded opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary studies.
Well isn’t that special.
After you or your parents have come up with the $12,695 worth of tuition for one semester of education, now the politically correct, socially conscious morons in the Dean’s office have decided to donate even more of your personal time to “public service.”
When the heck are you supposed to do things like study and eat and sleep? While driving home from or in between your three part time jobs you have to work to afford an apartment?
And another thing...if I'm a student at Tulane, do I get to pick how I spend my time doing my public service, or is the university going to force me to work for some wild eyed list of eco-fascist-tree hugging causes?
You know that they won't be able to resist abusing all of this free labor, and I bet you $100 that certain perfectly good charitable causes will probably be off limits--things like delivering free phone cards to wounded veterans or other activities despised by liberals.
Maybe they'll force me to man (or is it woman...person, whatever) a gay/lesbian/transgender suicide hotline every other weekend during winter semester? "If you're going to use a pistol...make sure that you use a hollow point bullet..."
Couldn't I just elect to get my community service credit by putting on an orange jumpsuit and joining the county prisoners picking up trash on the side of the highways on weekends? They could have their own custom jumpsuits made up with "Tulane Green Wave" on the back and get some free advertising while we're at it.
Probably not...
All I know is that I’m happy as hell that I’ve already gotten my fill of college years ago, because otherwise you might be reading about a student going “postal” in the Admissions Office if I had to try to get an education today.
I think that I’ll go clean my guns now…
This Crap Makes My Head Spin
Will somebody please tell me…Is this malady genetic?
Or is it an environmental condition—a case of people being raised by wolves or baboons?
I was doing my normal perusal of the news this morning and I was stopped in my proverbial tracks by this Time Magazine article about the shooting of the guy down at the Miami airport yesterday:
At least one passenger aboard American Airlines Flight 924 maintains the federal air marshals were a little too quick on the draw when they shot and killed Rigoberto Alpizar as he frantically attempted to run off the airplane shortly before take-off.
"I don't think they needed to use deadly force with the guy," says John McAlhany, a 44-year-old construction worker from Sebastian, Fla. "He was getting off the plane." McAlhany also maintains that Alpizar never mentioned having a bomb.
"I never heard the word 'bomb' on the plane," McAlhany told TIME in a telephone interview. "I never heard the word bomb until the FBI asked me did you hear the word bomb. That is ridiculous." Even the authorities didn't come out and say bomb, McAlhany says. "They asked, 'Did you hear anything about the b-word?'" he says. "That's what they called it."
So I guess that in their defense you could say that Time printed this story because they think that they have scooped the rest of the liberal media.
You know the template…
USA = bad.
Federal Authorities (under Republican Administration) = Nazi Death Goons.
The Air Marshals should have Tasered the guy…GUNS = bad…
Etc., etc., etc…
Maybe they just want to get out front in criticizing the Bush administration and the TSA for the success of our anti-terrorism efforts, but they fail to tell us what substitute measures they believe should be employed in a situation like the one that developed on Wednesday on that Boeing Airliner .
I think that their motives are most likely partisan, and the writer and the editors are just plain STUPID if you ask me.
I stopped reading Time, Newsweek, and US News and World Report twenty years ago when I realized that I might as well be reading People Magazine or Teen Magazine when it came to the quality of their news reporting.
They’re partisan liberal editorial rags—one and all—and I never ever see one unless it’s a six month old copy like you find lying around a doctor’s or dentist’s office.
The good news is that the Time Magazine article has given me an idea.
Let’s take the liberal media at their word and stop the use of any and all oppressive security measures for all of flights on most of the existing airliners. You know, the big airplanes that currently are used to haul all of our domestic liberal peace-nicks, pacifists, communists, and socialists.
For good measure, let's throw in most of the Democratic politicians like Ted Kennedy, John sKerry, Howard Dean, and Nancy Pelosi--no more private Gulfstream jets and chartered flights for them--they get to ride in tourist class with all of the unwashed masses they want us to deal with on a day-by-day basis. And the future journalists need a good education also--let's let all of the Columbia Journalism School students and the balance of their college campus activists with minds full of mush that are running around glorifying Ward Churchill and Cindy Sheehan have their own special seating section.
Let them put their butts where their mouths are (excuse the mental picture) and contribute to ending their perceived oppression and injustice. Then when things don't go as planned, let them talk and negotiate their way into having a safe air transportation system.
Now here's the fun part...As to the rest of us mean old oppressive Libertarians, “Conservatives”, and Republicans that are the considered to be the root of all of the injustice and Arab hatred...
WE'LL take care of OURSELVES.
We'll take the remnants of Delta Airlines and US Air out of bankruptcy, get a group of new investors, and form a new secure airline just for Redneck’s like me and every other red blooded card carrying patriot that wants to travel safely by air.
Call it “USA Airlines” or “Patriot Air” or “Friends and Family of Angry White Men Air” or maybe “Air Oppression”--whatever.
We’ll sell annual season tickets for unlimited travel inside the contiguous 48 states, and we’ll require that every potential passenger submit to an extensive background check and pass a very politically incorrect test of our knowledge.
If you can’t speak the king’s English or you don’t know basic American history; if you don’t know who Babe Ruth is and you don’t know the words to the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance (with “under God”); or if you insist on wearing bath linens and table linens on your head, then we will invite, we will insist that you not subject yourselves to the hideous insensitivity of our security screening and in flight entertainment.
We’ll serve baked pork chops and apple pie for the in-flight meals (buttered biscuits made with lard for breakfast) and show Jimmy Stewart movies and old episodes of Andy Griffith for the in-flight entertainment, and we’ll say a short prayer and recite the Pledge of Allegiance before the airplane pushes back from the gate, ON EVERY SINGLE FLIGHT.
Your participation will be MANDATORY.
The seat covers will be red, white, and blue and the flight attendants will conduct a weapons screening when you board the airplane. If you DON’T bring your own gun with you when you board the flight, the airline will supply you with one for a nominal charge. After all, SECURITY IS A TOP PRIORITY with USA Airlines.
We’ll have the best on time schedule and the lowest accident statistics in the industry because our state-of-the-art American made aircraft, highly trained American pilots, and top flight management will not be burdened with all of the current union bullshit, inane government meddling, and political correctness that currently encumbers our present air transportation system.
There will even be a smoking section, conviently located in the REAR of the airplane, and possibly a "Gentleman's only" cigar/pipe smoking, farting and belching section featuring scantly clad cocktail waitresses serving tankards of beer and paper cups full of single malt scotch...
No, wait a minute...somebody has already done that...they call it Hooters Air.
Oh well, I’d still pay extra for a seat on a flight like that…
Thursday, December 08, 2005
More People Died Today
Another 116 Americans died today, but you probably didn't hear about it on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or even FOX News.
About that same number, on average, died yesterday, and close to that same number will die tomorrow here in the good old USA.
Meanwhile several members of the US military were injured or killed overseas in Iraq, and of course the media will wet their pants to tell us all of the gory details and possibly get a stab at president Bush and the Pentagon.
Now I've spent the evening watching Greta Van Sustren's crooked mouth babble endlessly about the Southwest Airlines 737 that slid off the end of the runway at Chicago's Midway Airport.
Current reports are that about dozen total people were taken to the hospital, and they're saying that one 6 year old boy was killed in the accident.
While all of the media is still busy hyperventilating, at midnight today another 116 AMERICANS WILL HAVE BEEN KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS.
One Hundred and sixteen people a day--that's the only way we can manage to kill 42,636 people in this country last year.
Get a grip, people...
Another “Nobel” Effort
Earlier this year they awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and to it’s Director General, Mohamed ElBaradei.
You remember good old ElBaradei—the guy that has set on his hands while North Korea and Iran developed their weapons programs?
Some contributor to world peace, huh?
Well, just to make sure that they outdid themselves the Nobel Committee just handed out the prize for literature to a third rate has-been British poet and playwright, Harold Pinter.
In typical fashion, Lord Pinter wasted no time turning his acceptance speech into a political diatribe against the war in Iraq, the United States, Great Britain, President Bush, and Tony Blair.
How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice. But Bush has been clever. He has not ratified the International Criminal Court of Justice. Therefore if any American soldier or for that matter politician finds himself in the dock Bush has warned that he will send in the marines. But Tony Blair has ratified the Court and is therefore available for prosecution. We can let the Court have his address if they're interested. It is Number 10, Downing Street, London.
Then he even offered to write a speech for President Bush:
‘God is good. God is great. God is good. My God is good. Bin Laden's God is bad. His is a bad God. Saddam's God was bad, except he didn't have one. He was a barbarian. We are not barbarians. We don't chop people's heads off. We believe in freedom. So does God. I am not a barbarian. I am the democratically elected leader of a freedom-loving democracy. We are a compassionate society. We give compassionate electrocution and compassionate lethal injection. We are a great nation. I am not a dictator. He is. I am not a barbarian. He is. And he is. They all are. I possess moral authority. You see this fist? This is my moral authority. And don't you forget it.'
It seems to me that Harold's letting his politics make him a little hysterical.
It took less than 24 hours for Aljazeera to pick up Comrade Pinter’s words and blast them all over the Arab world:
In a fierce critique ahead of the Nobel awards ceremony, literature laureate Harold Pinter has branded the war on Iraq "an act of blatant state terrorism" and has demanded the prosecutions of US President George Bush and Britain's Tony Blair.
"The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law," Pinter said in a pre-recorded lecture broadcast by the Swedish Academy on Wednesday.
The Academy, which awards the Nobel Literature Prize, aired the interview, recorded on Sunday in London, because Pinter was too sick to travel to Sweden for the lecture or pick up the award in person at Saturday's ceremony.
"How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal?" Pinter asked.
Arts critics admit that Pinter hasn’t produced any relevant literary work in at least thirty years. There are any number of other writers like Salman Rushdie (remember Satanic Verses that got him a death threats from the Islamofascists?) who are also deserving of recognition, but Pinter’s political views seem to be more relevant to the Nobel Committee’s decision this year.
Jimmy Carter…please call your office…
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Stupid Or Sick, He’s Still Dead
I guess by now practically everyone has heard about this afternoon’s incident at the Miami International Airport involving some idiot claiming to have a bomb, a Federal Air Marshal, and a couple of well placed bullets.
The poor dead bastard’s wife claims that he was bi-polar and hadn’t taken his medication. While I have every sympathy for his wife and extended family, I also have to say that I applaud the actions of the air marshal, and I believe that every single other person on the planet should sit up and take notice because since September 11, 2001 things have changed drastically when it comes to misbehaving in public in general, and in airplanes and airports specifically.
We’ve managed to raise several generations of citizens that expect to be protected from themselves and every hazard known to man, and in the event that they do get injured or killed they expect their family to be able to sue the pants off of the perceived responsible parties and win some kind of “jackpot” monetary award as a result of their being maimed or dead at the end of the day.
I say a hearty BULLSHIT to this prospect when it comes to events like today’s confrontation.
I think that the government should investigate this incident, award a Metal of Honor to the Air Marshal if the shooting was actually justified, and then charge the dead man’s family for the cost of the bullets and the expenses incurred by the other passengers on that airplane that were delayed.
Here is the message that I want to be sent.
We all like to call it “PUBLIC” transportation, BUT IT’S NOT.
It’s PRIVATE transportation, and if I have a ticket on it at the time it’s temporarily MY transportation, along with that of the other paying passengers.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again here…IF you get on a train or a bus or an airplane that I’m on, and you start acting queer (in the old definition, not homosexual) and otherwise disruptive, you should fully expect to have 235 pounds of slightly out of shape human flesh to land squarely on your chest.
I am highly likely to beat the ever-loving shit out of your stupid ass right then and there, and later belatedly ask your mother or your wife if you need some water to take your Prozac with.
I’LL willingly risk dealing with the authorities on my own behalf once we reach our destination, and I fully believe that I will not be the only American taking a shot at your face in the process.
The moral of this sad story is that, just like being stupid or angry or just a plain idiot is no excuse, not taking your medicine does not allow you to get away with acting up on an airliner any more.
So sorry Mrs. Alpizar…
Dress Rehearsal
OK, I'm finally ready to show you some pictures of my finished set that I've been working on over the past three weeks.
Here's a picture of the set as it looks when the audience comes into the theater before the show begins...just a big plain chest:

As the show opens the actors make a big production of opening the chest with a giant golden key,

and the front panels fold down and the left side swings out revealing the actual set--used in various scenes as Scrooge's office, his bedroom, etc.





After a few matinee shows for the schools this week, the show opens to the public this Friday night.
I'm already working on the set for our next dinner theater show..."You're a good man Charley Brown."
I get to build another baby grand piano and a giant dog house.
Fun, fun, fun...
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
More Stolen Humor
The idea is to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.
Here are are some of the apparent winners:
1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.
2. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.
3. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
4. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.
5. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stop bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
6. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.
7. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.
8. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
9. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.
10. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.
11. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)
12 Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.
13. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.
14. Glibido: All talk and no action.
15. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
16. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.
17. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.
18. Caterpallor (n): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you are eating.
Finally, this isn't one word, but there is my favorite invention that I came up with ten or so years ago:
The Rogers' Pulse Doppler Laser Nippleometer--a device designed to measure the ambient temperature by bouncing a a beam of light off of a women's chest.
If you don't get it, try to forget that I mentioned it...
John Kerry Says...
If you're a liberal, please feel free to enjoy his words, and if you are conservative, feel free to toss your cookies and roll your eyes in an appropriate manner:
Dear Friend,
Today, two men and half the Republican Party's troubles are appearing side by side in Texas.
Vice President Dick Cheney is traveling all the way to the Lone Star state to help bail out Tom DeLay by appearing at the embattled Republican leader's fundraiser.
I guess you could say DeLay is Dick Cheney's kind of Republican: abusive, arrogant, and out of control.
It would be almost laughable were it not for the dangerous ideas they believe in, the outrageous conduct they condone, and the power they wield.
2006 is about taking that power out of their hands. So, today, Keeping America's Promise, the political action committee I helped found is asking you to take two critical actions.
As Cheney raises money to help Tom DeLay's campaign, help rush contributions to Nick Lampson, the tough, committed Democrat who is running to unseat DeLay. And consider helping Jill Derby in Nevada and Chris Carney in Pennsylvania - two other candidates in closely fought districts where DeLay money helped Republicans win in 2004.
Make a contribution to stop the DeLay money machine
But, in addition to direct candidate support, it's essential that you help in another way as well. Help make sure no Democrat stands alone against the underhanded tactics that Cheney and DeLay specialize in.
We know what Republicans like Cheney and DeLay do when their backs are to the wall. They come out swinging with baseless charges and scorched earth political tactics.
Every time they try it in 2006, we've got to respond - quickly, effectively and in force. Democrats didn't let them get away with swift boat-style attacks on Jack Murtha. And we won't let them get away with that kind of attack on any other Democratic candidate in 2006.
When our candidates face the kind of underhanded tactics that DeLay and Cheney specialize in, they need more than our moral support. They need us to come to their aid in immediate, concrete ways.
You can act right now to help launch the 2006 Fight Back Fund.
Make a contribution to stop the DeLay money machine
Moments after the Republican Party or its allies come after one of our candidates, we'll be there. If it takes radio and newspaper ads in Republicans' home districts, we'll run those ads. If it takes flooding the congressional district with mailings and phone calls to set the record straight, that's what we'll do.
If it takes mobilizing national political figures to stand with our candidates, we'll organize that support. If it takes our entire grassroots community rushing to a candidate's side, we'll do that too.
But, here's the key. The Fight Back Fund has to be ready to act at a moment's notice. And you can help right now by providing the seed money to set our Fight Back Fund in motion.
Make a contribution to stop the DeLay money machine
Let Dick Cheney and Tom DeLay stand side by side in Texas today. There are only two of them - and there are millions of us. And today, we're sending them a powerful message: get out of our way. We've come to take our country back - and your mean-spirited, underhanded style of politics can't stop us.
We're really counting on your help.
John Kerry
P.S. Lots of Republican incumbents have filled their campaign coffers with donations from the DeLay money machine. You can help the Fight Back Fund even the odds. Please act right now.
Again, feel free to respond accordingly...snicker, chortle, Bwahhahahahahahahahah...
Someone Please Explain This To Me
I'm not even going to comment, I'll just let you decide based on the facts.
Here is the link to the transcript from CBS's "Face the Nation" show on Sunday.
Go read the entire thing if you have the time and the patience.
In the interview, half of Massachusetts contribution to the US Senate, John sKerry, was talking to Journalist Bob Schieffer...
SCHIEFFER: All right. Let me shift to another point of view, and it comes from another Democrat, Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. He takes a very different view. He says basically we should stay the course because, he says, real progress is being made. He said this is a war between 27 million Iraqis who want freedom and 10,000 terrorists. He says we're in a watershed transformation. What about that?
Sen. KERRY: Let me--I--first of all, there is so much more that unites Democrats than divides us. And Democrats have much more in common with each other than they do with George Bush's policy right now. Now Joe Lieberman, I believe, also voted for the resolution which said the president needs to make more clear what he's doing and set out benchmarks, and that the policy hasn't been working. We all believe him when you say, `Stay the course.' That's the president's policy, which hasn't been changing, which is a policy of failure. I don't agree with that. But I think what we need to do is recognize what we all agree on, which is you've got to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment. You've got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis. And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not...
Sen. KERRY: ...Iraqis should be doing that. And after all of these two and a half years, with all of the talk of 210,000 people trained, there just is no excuse for not transferring more of that authority.
So sKerry still thinks that US soldiers are the actual terrorists, but in this case he also believes that what our troops are doing by entering homes in the dead of night looking for bombs and "insurgents" would be OK, as long as it was the Iraqis that were doing the terrorization?
Monday, December 05, 2005
A Silk Purse From A Sow’s Ear
In March of 2004 I did something I hadn’t done since grade school.
No, I didn’t wet my pants or anything like that—what I did was try out for a part in a play with one of the local theater companies. I thought that I had picked the most prestigious group, so you can imagine my surprise when I received one of the two male lead parts—that of Hannibal, a self-committed resident in a mental institute, in John Patrick’s play “The Curious Savage.”
Talk about a role fitting like a glove…
Thus began my fitful twelve month trip through the chambers of Dante’s Hell of Theatrics. I worked my ass off to learn my part, and so did a half dozen of the other actors. The problem was that there were ten parts in the play.
As a result, our performances were mediocre at best, but I was soon to learn that this particular theater company had a long, long history of inbreeding, infighting, and other political BS that tortured new participants like me into dismissing ourselves from their menial process in order to relieve our suffering.
After spending hundreds and hundreds of hours working as a volunteer both on the stage and behind the scenes, I finally told them to kiss the body part of their choice as I walked out the door for the last time.
I was tempted to end my theater career entirely and cut my losses, but instead I opted to look for opportunities with other amateur companies in the area. I’ve found two other opportunities—one being a very new group in their second year of existence and using borrowed performance space in a church, and the other producing shows in Brunswick’s Ritz Theater.
I’ve had positive experiences with both groups.
Most recently I’ve been commissioned to design and built the set for the performance of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carroll” at the hundred plus year old Ritz Theater in Brunswick, Georgia. The real challenge I faced was that I only had two weeks to complete a process that I was used to having two months to accomplish.
I managed to get about 60 hours of actual sawdust production time, 20 hours of drawing/design time, and when I completed my work and walked off of the stage on Saturday I had my fingers crossed that the cast would deliver a performance worthy of my efforts.
You see, there is nothing more disheartening that putting your heart and soul into a set design and breaking your back and tearing the calluses off of your hands building said design, only to have the actors drag-ass through their rehearsals, learn their lines at the very last minute (if at all) and end up delivering a series of mediocre or even crappy performances. I’ve earned a couple of Purple Heart medals for my wounded ego in the past year and a half as a result of the ineptitude and incompetence of a couple of actors, directors, and producers that I know.
The best set in the world can’t save a bad performance, but a good performance can be made to look even better with good costumes and a great set, and the set is where I’ve found that I can be of the greatest value.
Thankfully Heather, my director, and Rob and the rest of the cast have held up their ends of our agreement, as I learned last night when I attended “Tech/Dress Rehearsal” to make a few final adjustments. What a great difference actually being able to act and actually learning your lines makes in producing a play and delivering a performance.
The performance that I saw delivered during last night’s rehearsal was better than ANYTHING that I had seen in live performances over the past twenty months I’ve lived here on St. Simons Island and worked in the theater. I would have paid to have seen the performance, even though they owe me a few sets of free tickets as compensation for my efforts.
Of course it helps that there is a professional actor and actress in the cast, but overall even the amateurs in our cast have worked their butts off, and my set provides them with a worthy stage from which to deliver their performance.
I am humbled and honored to be able to participate in this endeavor, and I look forward to working again in the future with the staff of the Ritz Theater.
I’m also glad I stuck with my theatrical efforts, because a load of pig’s ears is something I don’t need laying around the condo.
Photos will follow...
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Holiday Humor
None could possibly be funnier than this example of a hideous, politically incorrect cartoon provided by my photo blog idol Roger over at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
Check it out...

Is this why they say everything "taste like chicken"?
Who or What Are You?
I often wonder what the heck our kids are learning these days in government (public) schools. History lessons seem to have suffered the greatest casualties in the "revolution" that occurred after Georgia's contribution to the Oval Office--Jimmy Carter--formed the US Department of Education.
As a result, most people under the age of 40 think that we live in a Democracy rather than a representative REPUBLIC...But they are wrong in spite of what the NY Times and Washington Post say on their front pages.
Here's a couple of my favorite equations:
Here's a little test for you to try:
You Passed the US Citizenship Test |
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(I missed Thomas Jefferson being the main author of the Declaration of Independence, but I did know which state wasn't one of the original 13)
Hat tip for the link to my Blog Buddy Rich over at Blind Chick Racing.
(He got 10 out of 10...He's the Man...I'm impressed)