Easier = Better (for a change)I had a horrible realization yesterday at dinner. It came about as a result of a modification to my baby back rib cooking process, and as a result my charcoal grill may never see a rack of ribs again.
Here's the deal.
For years I've been brining my ribs overnight, then drying them off and covering with a dry spice rub, then slow cooking them over indirect heat on the grill for FOUR HOURS.
The process was lovingly conducted at the time and expense of a half bag of charcoal and getting lots of ash and soot on myself and the surroundings.
My results are always well received--moist juicy tender ribs, but the mental and physical preparation limited my desire to undertake the process to a few holidays a year.
Not anymore...
Yesterday I brined and rubbed a couple of racks, then tightly wrapped them in heavy duty aluminum foil and cooked them in the oven for three and one & one half hours at 230 degrees F, removing them from the foil to finish on a cookie sheet for fifteen minutes at 425 degrees F just to add some color.
Dang they were good.
And the Rack of Lamb?
Some people find lamb meat to be too strong and "gamey" tasting.
As usual, I went out on my own and closely trimmed the fat off the outside, then brined the rack along with the pork ribs overnight. Next I rinsed my lamb-cicles off and did a three hour marinade of diced red onion, mint, rosemary, black pepper, and lemon juice.
Cooking the lamb to a medium rare/medium doneness was easy...you simply sear the outside evenly in a screaming hot skillet, then finish the rack in the skillet in the oven at 425 for fifteen or twenty minutes.
I sliced the individual cuts apart, tossed out some sprigs of fresh mint as garnish, and even Pat managed to eat her way through a couple of sections while everyone raved over my results.
I wish I could have enjoyed the fruits of my efforts a little more, but my new internal plumbing is still limiting me to small portions although I didn't go away hungry by any means.
I trust everyone enjoyed good food and good company on their Easter holiday.
Now would someone please pass me the Mint Jelly???