You’ll Get Up with Fleas…My title and subtitle, added together, amount to pretty good advice for living, in my experience.
Nine out of ten mothers everywhere will enthusiastically tell you that “If you don’t lie down with dogs, you are MUCH less likely to get up with fleas.”
But then again, I have to admit that I’ve found that the occasional flea can be found wandering around out there in the world, and a lonesome flea will gladly jump on you when you least expect it and set about to wreck havoc in your life if they can.
A couple of ex-wives and my son-of-a-bitch ex-business partner come to mind here, but I digress…
I’ve kept my mouth and keyboard quite regarding the Duke University “lacrosse team rape scandal” for the past month because I didn’t feel that my opinions and rhetoric would add anything to the process, but tonight I’m breaking my silence.
I’ll open with this statement:
First of all, it’s not a “news story”; it’s the investigation of an ALLEGED crime.
A Rape.
A horrible crime that involves the violation of a person on the most intimate, personal level.
So why have the police and district attorney’s office elected to play out the investigation in such a public manner?
After all, they have an admitted victim, RIGHT?
They have the field of suspects narrowed down to the 42 members of the Duke University Lacrosse team, RIGHT?
No dragnet, no manhunt, no “All Points Bulletins.”
Further, all 42 members of the Lacrosse team have known names and addresses, RIGHT?
AND, all 41 of the white members of the team submitted to DNA testing, not to mention endless interviews and searches of their property and residences.
(I’ll mention here that the three alleged rapists were reported to be white, thereby eliminating the one black guy that apparently snuck onto the Duke Lacrosse team because he didn’t play a good game of basketball else he didn’t get the memo; or perhaps he’s related to Tiger Woods and intentionally chooses to step outside the racial stereotype)
Is your head spinning yet?
Then I’ll keep going on…
I’ve known a couple of Lacrosse players in my day. Kurt, our freshman dorm “mentor” at Georgia Tech was a Lacrosse player. Lacrosse players are sort of like rugby players, except taller and skinnier. Macho and bravado are standard modus operandi with Lacrosse players.
That said, I also aver that it’s not a black or white issue.
I also say that it’s not a male or female issue.
But…that’s exactly what the media and District Attorney
Mike Nifong have turned this situation into.
Here is what has burned my ass the most during this so called "development" of this so called "news story."
IF the victim hadn’t been black, and IF the alleged attackers hadn’t been white, and IF they hadn’t been attending college at Duke University, then YOU and I wouldn’t have heard a single word about this ALLEGED rape.
Now do you get my point?
All you liberals and feminists out there can just hold your water for another few seconds because you are probably running off on the wrong track on me mentally…wait before you start bitching and calling me names…hang on…steady now…
Consider these questions.
1. What if a rape didn’t actually occur?
2. IF a rape didn’t occur, how can the lives of the two (or soon to be three) men accused of the alleged rape be made whole again when the media hysteria subsides?
These young men attend one of the most prestigious institutions in the country. Not only is Duke hard to get into, but Duke costs tons of money to stay in for four years.
People that go to Duke run companies and run for office—most of the time successfully.
People that go to Duke expect to reap the benefits of spending their parents’ money and their own time reading and writing and doing arithmetic.
Yet I say that full restitution is impossible to deliver to these young men, but I also remind us of my title used on this posting, and in effect I’m placing some of the blame for their current situation with them in the process …
Hey guys, IF you hadn’t LAID DOWN WITH THE PROVERBIAL “DOGS”…then you wouldn’t have gotten up with FLEAS this morning.
OK all you feminists and race baiting activists, keep your pants on (and please excuse the pun...)
I’m not really calling the alleged “victim” a “dog” here, but putting her stated reasons for working as a stripper aside (single mom working her way through college), my mother and your mother and most mothers in the world would wag their finger at any man that hired strippers to come to their party, regardless of any purported altruistic rationalizations of supporting education or children’s welfare.
No strippers, no rape allegations…no strippers, no macho bravado…just a bunch of drunken, horny, gangly, pimple faced geeks sitting around eating potato chips and Crystal cheeseburgers.
Finally, I say that what we have here is yet another example of media abetted class and race warfare, in the form of a putrid, puritanistic story line, served up on a silver platter to an American public that consistently demonstrates an appetite for such
bullshit tripe.
After all, what are YOU going to do about this story, even if it is true?
Nod your nappy head in approval?
Get in your car and drive to Durham, North Carolina to attend the trial?
Load your gun?
Call OJ Simpson to help look for the third suspect?
Yeah...I thought so...