Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The Boxer Rebellion

I’m an Alabama boy. I haven’t lived there for over 28 years, but I still consider myself an Alabamian. Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice is also from Alabama. Although she and I are from opposite sides of the state and 1960’s political landscape, we have evolved separately into the same side of the political spectrum—Miss Rice vastly exceeding my educational and professional accomplishments in the ensuing years. I'd vote for her for president right now if I had the opportunity.

I watched an hour of Barbara Boxer questioning Miss Rice on CSPAN last evening. Then I went into the kitchen and got a large spoon out of the utensil drawer, went into the bathroom, and gagged myself.

How in the world can anyone watch this crap and take Senorita Boxer seriously. Just like the congressional hearings on 9/11, every time Miss Rice would answer a question, Barbara Boxer would ignore the answer and drone on endlessly with a rhetorical list of complete crap aimed at the “congressional record” and the TV cameras.Condi is a tough cookie, however, not asking Mrs. Boxer to perform any sexual acts on herself or suggesting her to place her head in an anatomically impossible location.

At one point Mrs. Boxer actually asked that her point be read procedurally into the record. And this is the democratic party that panders to African Americans and every other downtrodden minority group, “feeling their pain” and promising to raise taxes on all of the darned old, mean old, rich achievers that have “won life’s lottery” through education and hard work.

I would like to see California congress ladies Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi compete on their own special episode of “Fear Factor.” The test would involve a 100 feet of water, a great big burlap bag, some rope, three cinder blocks, along with a single scuba tank and regulator.

May the best woman win...

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