Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sitting Around Doing Nothing

Your Kids…Your Job…Your Husband/Wife (or Boyfriend/girlfriend)…

Your Church?

Your bowling league?

Your Other (fill in the blank here…work with me___________________________?)

What else do you have to worry about?

Nothing, you say?

Well, while you’re sitting there feeling all warm and fuzzy for our response to the Christmas Tsunami and watching the media lampooning George Bush and cheering about the national response to the southern hurricanes, our elected representatives are busy giving away the entire company store—lock, stock, and barrel.

“Since Hurricane Katrina struck Aug. 29, Congress has approved spending bills and tax cuts worth nearly $71 billion. An additional $5 billion in housing, education and small-business assistance cleared the Senate, even before the Medicaid bill was considered. A united Louisiana congressional delegation is seeking $250 billion more.”

Did you get that?


Read that paragraph again and hold tightly on to your wallet or purse while you see the numbers…

Got it yet?

The “united Louisiana congressional delegation” wants the American taxpayers to give them $250 BILLION DOLLARS to rebuild New Orleans.

Two Hundred and Fifty BILLION Dollars???


Who? What? When? Where? Why?

And this is ON TOP of all of the money already DONATED to the effort through charities by normal Americans like you and me.

Just in case you don’t know, Louisiana’s population is about 4.5 million, and the City of New Orleans held nearly 500,000 souls before Katrina hit.

You do the math.

This means we are handing every person in Louisiana $55,555 in this deal. Reducing the formula to covering only New Orleans residents, it represents $500,000 per person in the Big Easy. I want my check...

This is an insane amount of money, and the jackasses and the pachiderms in our Congress should be hunted down and shot if they actually hand out this kind of pork in this process.

More often than not these people either already have private insurance or they were not affected by these recent national disasters in the first place.

And you wonder why I’m asking you why you’re JUST SITTING THERE DOING NOTHING...

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