Monday, January 09, 2006

That Global Warming Thing...

She Be A Bitch…

My friend and fellow rocket scientist, Wayne Kirsner, and I love to discuss technical issues that are also political issues. In the course of having our dialogue, we also attempt to solve the world’s problems—at least on paper.

We’ll banter on back and forth for hours at a time over a few weeks via E-mail and on the telephone, then we take a few months off until we see something new in the news that piques our interest, then off we go again—ranting and raving about the stupidity of the politically correct public discourse on things most news “reporters” can never actually understand.

Those of you in the “general public” just have to take your chances on what you believe on any given issue, unless you are very careful with your choice of your source of information.

Seriously, Wayne is a really smart fellow, and he is an intellectual bulldog when it comes to reasoning and logical development of an argument supporting a given issue.

He has a Bachelors degree in Physics and a Masters’ degree in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. I am just a lowly possessor of a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology myself, but Wayne and I have worked together many times over the past sixteen years and done some great work relating to improving building energy usage and looking at fun things like industrial steam piping problems.

Wayne is also what I consider to be a masochist, because he loves to drive his Lexus SC convertible over to the Starbucks Coffee Shop near Emory University in Atlanta, where he is regularly assaulted by a bunch of LIBERALS.

You know about the relationship between LIBERALS and Starbucks, don’t you?


Well, just for reference, if you will walk into any given Starbucks coffee shop, on any given day, in most any city in the country, you can expect to find a cacophony, a plethora, yes…a virtual cornucopia of bed wetting, nail biting, thumb sucking, bleeding heart LIBERALS all sitting around sipping on Columbian Nario Supreme, half soy, half moo, double doubles (possibly iced.)


Why should ordering coffee be so difficult? Why should one require a college degree to understand the intricacies of buying a cup of coffee?

I’m not impressed.

Any way, when Wayne and I would walk into Starbucks together when I still resided in the Atlanta metro area, we knew that if we wanted to start an argument, all we had to do is start talking about….(hang on…)


Total strangers would stagger over with their eyes rolled back in their heads, interrupt our conversation (taking our bait in the process,) and issue spit laden slogans about how the world was ending and it was the Capitalists and the Republicans fault and they would end the conversation with threats of running over us with their Italian Moped or bicycle when we attempted to exit the parking lot.

Don’t get me wrong here, we’re talking about what I would ordinarily consider to be smart people, but they apparently are just mis-informed.

Horribly mis-informed…courtesy of the United Nations and their beloved Kyoto Treaty.

These people have bought into this GLOBAL WARMING “cult,” and to them it feels good worrying about “Mother Earth,” and “saving the planet” and no amount of rational debate and reasoning will change their mind.

Instead of relying on the NY Times and the Associated press to supply us with our information on Global Warming, Wayne and I happen to have had the opportunity to have dialogues with Dr. Peter Griffith and Dr. Richard Lindzen that do climate research at the Massachussets Institute of Technology.

These guys are on the cutting edge of the field of climate modeling, but they are also considered “outsiders” because of their skepticism of any existing proof of MAN’S DIRECT INFLUENCE ON THE TEMPERATURE OF OUR PLANET.

By default, we have learned that Dr.’s Griffith’s and Lindzen’s opportunities to participate in the ongoing public dialogue and to be included in professional conferences have been limited because of the political correctness of their positions.

Dr. Griffith and Dr. Lindzen say that the earth MIGHT be getting warmer, but that IF it really is, there is no PROOF that humans and our industrialization of the planet is the cause of the warming.

Things like solar cycles and El Nino and La Nina and untold yet to be discovered processes influence our weather and sitting around wetting your pants about GLOBAL WARMING, in my considered Redneck opinion, is only going to yield one thing…

a bad case of Diaper Rash.

If global warming is such a threat, why is New Delhi, India having record cold this week?

Just wondering…

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