Amazingly enough the US Navy was allowed to fire three gunshots yesterday--Easter Sunday afternoon--on a day we were supposed to be celebrating a religious holiday instead of smelling gunpowder.
When the smoke cleared, I was happy to learn that there were three dead "pirates." and one other kid with a slightly higher IQ or a little less gumption/guts/resolution in US custody.
It annoyed me that FOX News spazmo reporter
When the US Navy got through with them "Corpses" and "Life Prisoner" fits better I think.
Regardless of the linguistics details, in the process the brave Captain of a ship with the schizophrenic sounding name "Maersik Alabama," Richard Phillips, was a free man.
Wait a minute...
"Buccaneers" are something you see at Halloween parties or in a Disney movie.

These guys are/were different, and instead of fantasy land this is REAL LIFE.
I'd call them THIEVES.
Or perhaps ROBBERS.
Or in today's world, let's call them what they are...
That deduction and definition is pretty easy for me to formulate in my mind because most if not all of the dead men and their peers, in spite of living in Africa, are actually Muslims, and their actions terrorize people who have been conditioned to believe that it's against the law to take measures to defend their own personal safety and their personal property.
Muslims found terrorizing other people = Muslim Terrorists.
Isn't that simple?
And the other people in the above equation are generally law abiding citizens of the US or other non-muslim countries which today through our modern enlightened education system have been convinced that guns are E V I L.
Then there are those which, like many of the Europeans, have been outright disarmed by force by their government through the criminalization of the private ownership of weapons.
Today even here in the US common thinking is that you're supposed to call 911 and wait on the GOVERNMENT to respond...and in the event that things get crazy and you actually fear for your life and you do take action, you risk being second guessed in criminal proceedings thereby facing jail time and/or you risk being sued in civil court because you shot the penis and kneecap off some asshole trying to take your wallet in a Pizza Hut.
Excuse me if I appear insensitive, but my opinions might just be strongly influenced by first hand knowledge gained when I personally had a 32' foot boat I owned stolen, after a couple decades earlier having a "downtrodden victim of socioeconomic disparity" pump a shotgun in the small of my back while another "disadvantaged minority" beat me in the head and broke the barrel off his revolver on the back of my head.
In neither event did the "authorities" do anything to prevent the "crimes" nor did they provide any relief after the fact or catch the "suspects"... so I say all of the Kumbaya singing sniveling tree hugging booger eating why-can't-we-all -just get-along

...until you've been there.
Until you've had a loaded gun pointed at you by a stranger, I think you're full of crap pontificating on the acceptable measures which are legal or societally acceptable for use in defending your life and property.
Let me put this memo out there for future reference so you won't be surprised when you turn on the TV and see me describing the demise of "the assailant" the next time I have a gun pointed at me and the person isn't wearing a uniform/badge....
I grew up shooting a gun, and today I'll shoot a three hole grouping through your "center of mass"-your face and/or your chest--before you can say "just kidding" if you put me in the position where it's me and my family and my property against your misplaced, misguided, alcohol and drug induced mal-intentions.
I'll use the same level of force if you're stone cold sober or certifiably insane and you start acting up on my front porch--so don't plan on using the "under the influence" defense because I simply don't care and don't have time to negotiate with you once you point the business end of your gun at me.
And skin color be damned...I'll verify the threat, offer a verbal warning, obtain a clear sight picture, and pull the trigger.
Unfortunately this is something which many people apparently have a hard time understanding, but I see it like this.
Passing a new gun law or trying and convicting the person which took my life does ME no good once I'm DEAD.
Dead because I was shot.
Or dead...beat to death kind of dead or run over with a pickup truck variety of Dead.
And since they're not going to pass laws making fists and boots and frying pans and baseball bats and pickup trucks illegal, I feel I have to choose my method of defense and perfect it.
My idea of gun control is "hitting the intended target--every time."
Even if they did produce a new list of things it's illegal to hit me in the head with or drive across my torso...just like hand guns in England or Washington DC...I'm pretty certain that they'll have a hard time with the confiscation of these newly declared illegal "weapons."
And the criminals and thugs that don't obey the current gun laws we already have on the books won't give up their Ford F-250's because they need them to go hunting and to get to the liquor store.
So I figure sitting around worrying about the latest laws or lobbying for the passage of new ordinances is time better spent by the lawyers and politicians--people that make their living making the law useless and un-understandable.
(I'm taking a big breath here boss...and changing the subject completely...)
So any way...if things work out on the Professional Injuneering front I'm heading back to South Alabama this weekend before conducting some more business on the Florida and Georgia Coasts next week.
In my computer bag I'll have along with me my new plans and drawings for the construction of my own personal solution to the Somali "piracy" issues:

I call her the "Mozark Alabama", and she's powered by an old Chinook helicopter turbine burning ethanol we distill on board from corn squeezin's. She'll only sleep six but everybody has a king sized bed and a private crapper and I'll handle kitchen duty three days a week.
And here's her smaller sister ships...the SS Mozark Enterprise guided missile cruiser:

and the more modern Mozark Elba PT Submarine attack boat:

Using current world standards and relying on the UN, I hope to augment law enforcement efforts on the high seas and suspect there won't be any ship hijackings off Panama City, Mexico Beach, Lake Eufala, or St. Simons Island anytime soon.
Sorry, but the rest of you out there in San Francisco, Boston and off northern Long Island are on your own...
1 comment:
"Muslims found terrorizing other people = Muslim Terrorists"
AMEN Brother Virgil!!
Love the pictures of the redneck houseboats!
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