Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Stinky Cheese And Web Page Printing

Things I Keep Forgetting To Admit Or Complain About...

Tonight I'm feeling lazy and distracted as seems to be usual recently, but while eating some leftovers as a snack and printing some vendor data sheets on laser measurement systems (try not to swoon) I remembered a couple of things I've thought about writing about but never can remember when I get the Blogger dashboard open and my fingers on the keyboard.

First of all, anyone but me out there like "stinky cheese??"

(Wipe the foot and genitalia images out of your mind and try to stay with me here...I'm trying to make a point.)

Seriously, today in my household we hardly ever or never buy "American Cheese" slices any more or generic orange blocks of Velveeta "cheese food products" or anything else without the word "Swiss" or "Gouda" or "Sharp" on the label.

Things get stranger and more expensive every day it seems.

Just show me the words:

Cow Feta?

Horse Feta?

Sheep Feta?

Deep Veined Blue Cheese?

Imported Organic Crumbly Goat Cheese?

(and possibly make me have to take out a loan to buy a couple of pounds of the stuff?)


Let's face it...I like my stinky cheese these days, and the older I get the stronger I like it.

Maybe it's because I'm trying to have an excuse for my breath and armpits and butt smelling like they do (OK TMI), or it's just that possibly I'm hoping that the cheese covers the odors I emit after a couple of days wandering around the Turbo Pup compound in the same pair of socks.

Any way, what brought this to mind was that last night we thawed out a couple of medium sized Beef tenderloins--about an inch and a half thick each--and I sliced a big pocket into the inside of each of them and then seared everything on each side in a big skillet on the stove, then finished them to about medium doneness in the oven.

Then I danced around opening their insides up and I stuffed those suckers with a portion of nice strong crumbled blue cheese.

After adding some bacon and sauteed mushrooms on top and some smashed red potatoes containing a quarter pound of butter and more blue cheese on the side, Pat and Missy the Turbo Pup and I dined, and then I collapsed back into the bed on top of the omni-present heating pad to recover from the day's basement shop construction efforts.

Then about 1 AM I awakened and decided to work on some more paperwork and do some more work on the Internet...bringing me to my final bitching moment this morning...


Does anyone but me think that all website designers also own stock in the office paper companies?



I think that they do.

Otherwise, why is it that almost every time you print out a web page you get one or two or three pages, followed by that infuriating LAST page that has nothing but possibly a disclaimer and a header/footer?


I've got near an entire REAM of paper in my recycle/reuse bin with only one or two lines of text on them...all MEANINGLESS AND USELESS to the task at hand when I was printing.

Am I nuts?

Am I petty?

Am I just Paranoid?


In the words of PopEye..."I am what I am and that's all that I am..."

Regards Y'all...

1 comment:

Manya said...

Great post!!! I found it looking for fellow stinky cheese lovers... and yes, to the paper company/website designer conspiracy-- hehe!!