Friday, September 03, 2004

Acting stupid with a cell phone shoved in your ear...

I keep thinking about this and forgetting to write about it, but tonight after the telecast of President Bush’s speech I got a huge visual reminder…

What is up with perfectly normal looking (and at times, incredibly stupid looking) people feeling that they have to stand behind the person being interviewed on a TV camera, all the time blabbing mindlessly into their cell phones, talking to "Bubba" or "Honey" or "Mamma" or "whoever" and contorting their faces and bodies like so many Gumby dolls in yuppy clothing?

Lynn Swan was the guest on Fox news tonight after Mr. Bush's speech and eight out of twelve faces, bodies, or portions thereof in the picture were mugging like three year old children for the camera with their Nokia brain-cancer-photo-pager-PDA-idiot boxes held firmly against their ignorant skulls.

Having attained the ripe old age of 45 about 15 minutes ago, and re-assessing my own maturity, I ask you all to have some sense of dignity and self-respect, please people…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some people have no lives, and know that they are never going to get on TV any other way. The cell phone helps make sure that someone else sees them there.