Monday, October 25, 2004

"The Fundamental Test of Leadership..."

This morning’s edition of The Washington Times has a story by Joel Mowbray nailing John Kerry in another exaggeration regarding his foreign policy abilities.

In December 2003 and again in the second debate Kerry stated that, before voting to authorize the use of force against Iraq, he had met "with the entire Security Council, and we spent a couple of hours talking about what they saw as the path to a united front in order to be able to deal with Saddam Hussein."

The problem for Senator Kerry is that the investigations can only find three members of the security council—Cameroon, Singapore, and….drum roll please…FRANCE—that say they talked to Kerry. There is also an unconfirmed rumor that he also met with the British Ambassador.

The other newspapers and the TV news shows haven’t picked up on this story yet, but just watch the press give Pinocchio…er…um, Mr. sKerry another pass on this one just like they did the famous Christmas in Cambodia story (you want that memory lightly “seared” or well done—Mr. Kerry?) and numerous other self aggrandizing exaggerations he has uttered in this campaign.

Kerry has been hanging his hat on “truthfulness” and continuously making assertions that President Bush hasn’t been “truthful with the American People.” He has also called truthfulness “the fundamental test of leadership.” I believe that this story is yet additional proof of how willing he is to bend (or break) the truth to suit his needs.

Senator Bob Dole had the class to resign his seat in the Senate so he could focus on running for President. John Kerry has been absent from the senate for most of twenty years—missing almost the entire session of this past year during his own campaign.

Let’s hope that the voters in Massachusetts have enough sense to add the word “former” in front of the word “Senator” next year…once we get through kicking his ass off of the national stage on November 2nd.

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