Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I Told You So

Back on January 4th in my posting United We Stand I talked about President Bush appointing his father, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton to lead the Tsunami fundraising effort. It seemed a good idea to me.

At that time I also opined:

“I will even give the president credit for including the pantyhose-commander-in-chief Bill Clinton in a bipartisan effort to raise money. Actually, I don’t mind seeing Clinton’s gigantic mouth and ego brought to bear to publicly ask all of the compassionate left wing liberal elite and the Hollywood misfits like Barbara Streisand to put their money where their mouths typically are.

I also expect Clinton to not pass up the opportunity to get a few digs in against his Bush/Republican benefactors and inevitably make the process all about him. He just can’t help himself.

And then there is the UN and Kofi Annan. What a waste of oxygen.”

Well, it took less than one month, but Kofi and Bill have finally gotten together to make my prediction come true and it really is all about Kofi and Bill.

And guess what-- George Bush Sr. isn't invited to their party...

It would seem that Kofi has appointed Bill Clinton to be the "UN point man" for tsunami reconstruction and ensure that the world doesn't forget the immense needs of the countries devastated by the Dec. 26 disaster, a well-informed U.N. diplomat said Tuesday.”

Well isn’t that special.

And aren't I good??? I told you something like this would happen a month ago...

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