Saturday, August 06, 2005

Weekend Crap

I'm all cranky this morning.

My stove is broken, thus I can't spend the day cooking, and the weather looks "iffy" for a pool day.

Rumor has it that the local "Condo Nazis" are unhappy with my decision to use my Weber charcoal grill on our front deck (the back deck is smaller and forces me to walk across white berber carpet carrying grease and ashes...) I think that I'll don a Speedo bathing suit, white socks, and sandals (no shirt) and do a little beer drinking and grilling out front just to piss them off further. Where's my Hank Williams, Jr. CD's.....

So sue me.

Tonight our local theater company is having the "Hanley Awards" (think cheezy Oscars) and I'm boycotting the event due to the crappy sophmoric political BS that blew up in my face last March. After spending over eight hundred hours over a 12 month period volunteering doing set construction and almost single handedly building the set for the Agatha Christy play "The Mousetrap," the message was delivered loud and clear that "the powers what be" resented my presence because I made the existing incompetents feel...well...incompetent.

They appreciated my efforts to date (well...actually many didn't) but unless I was willing to do the design work and continue to let the "choosen few" call the shots and take all the public credit, life would be made miserable for me. The last straw came when I spent eight hours driving back from Alabama to tear down a set after a show closed and they changed the schedule at the last minute, tore it down without me, and somehow "forgot" to let me know about the schedule change. I walked out without saying a word and I haven't been back near the theater in over four months.

It seemed to me that the writing was large on the wall...

I guess I'll spend the day putting the finishing touches on my magazine story on the new airport terminal and inserting the photos I made yesterday when I got a behind the scenes tour and met with the airport director.

OK, you can stop yawning now...what are YOU gonna do that's so exciting?

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