Wednesday, August 03, 2005

When Will It End?

Everybody knows that children can be complete pains in the rear. I don’t have any kids of my own, but it seems that people think that other peoples’ children are always more difficult than their own.

I totally agree…

Besides being a pain for adults to deal with, kids can be absolute monsters to each other.

Peer pressure and bullying in school is an age old problem that we each had to learn to deal with on our own terms—it was an important life lesson.

Not any more… look at this story:

School Opens For Victims of Bullying

POSTED: 8:35 am EDT August 2, 2005
UPDATED: 1:06 pm EDT August 2, 2005

A new school in Milwaukee, Wis., has opened for students who are the victims of bullying and harassment from other children.

The Alliance School, which is attracting national attention, is an unique school targeting children who were harassed or bullied in their old schools.

Students at the school have been struggling academically or socially because of bullying…

Teachers at the school said bullying happens to countless kids around the country.

"Right now our big focus today is making it beautiful," teacher Tina Owen said. "I was kind of one of those Goth kids growing up in high school and everything."

The school is one of about a dozen new smaller high schools in Milwaukee.

Critics said the school only serves to separate the victims from the bullies instead of dealing with the problem.

The critics are right--what complete and total crap. What are these kids going to do when they graduate from high school and move on to college or into the REAL world?

Former “Goth freak” teacher Tina Owen can slap herself on the back all day long for “making it beautiful”, but she is letting her students down.

I’ve got some news for Tina Owen and all of her “education professionals” stupid enough to buy into this folly--there is a great big old, mean, ugly world out there where people die under bridges of drug overdoses and little blond teenaged girls from Alabama get kidnapped, raped, and killed in Aruba.

Hiding these kids in a special school designed to protect their warped, fragile self esteem and “tender feelings” is destined to be a COMPLETE AND TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY.

I say that they put these tender little souls back in the regular schools, apply some discipline to kick some bully asses, and force these kids to face REALITY.

Know what I mean?

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