I was sitting here yesterday afternoon reading a reader comment about Sam Kinnison (referencing channeling my "inner Sam Kinnison") when my girlfriend Pat entered the room and told me that the TV news was reporting that Richard Pryor had died at the age of 65.
I had to pause for a moment.
Richard Pryor wasn't 100 pounds overweight like John Candy

was when he died at the age of 44 in 1994, but he did share a taste for drugs like John Belushi

who's been dead for 23 years now, since 1982...damn I feel OLD.
Richard had a foul mouth for his day and a generally vulgar delivery, but in the proper context the man was a hysterical genius. "What's wrong with your leg..." and stories about his pet monkey and the Doberman dogs will forever be etched in my mind.
Richard survived drugs and life in general, but Multiple Schlerosis finally got him...
RIP Mr. Pryor.
Once I got over that shock, what I found that is even more depressing is this CRAP reported on Drudge Report.
Today, Senator Daniel Inouye, the Ranking Member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee and a recipient of the Medal of Honor for his service in World War II, released the following statement:"
As a Veteran of World War II, I know what it's like to fight a war and put your life on the line every day. I also know what it takes to win a war, and I know that politics and an attack machine like the President's plays no part in it.
"The Republican Party's latest ad is a shameful and disgusting attempt to distract the American people from the problems in Iraq. It may improve the President's political fortunes, but the American people and our troops will pay the price. I hope that President Bush realizes how shameful it is to play politics when what we really need is leadership, and that he will direct his Party to take down this ad immediately."
Excuse me Senate Inouye, but just because you are a veteran--something we all respect and appreciate, doesn't mean that you have a CLUE. You live in Hawaii for God's sake...
Further, I have a whole bushel basket of CLUES for sale, IF you want one.
Let me quote Inouye again: "It may improve the President's political fortunes, but the American people and our troops will pay the price."
Say what?
Is this doddering idiot serious?
This partisan moron (decorated veteran aside) is actually publicly worrying about political gain at the expense of the troops?
Well then I would like to ask Senator Inouye a question:
Holding pep rallys?
Look at the ad for yourself on the GOP Website if you will. I've seen it, and unlike the Democrats and the mainstream media's daily take on Iraq, all the ad does is quote verbatim Howard Dean's and the balance of the Democratic/liberal surrender-monkeys own words, in video format.
Sometimes the TRUTH really SUCKS.
You Know what I mean?
Yeah, yeah, I know...they say that they were taken out of context...that we are cherry picking...that they really meant BLAA, Blaa, blaa...
Save it for somebody that actully GIVES A DAMN.
If recording your words and your actions on videotape and playing them back at a later date for everyone to see is to be quantified as "attack ads", then the Dem's have a miserable future ahead of them.
What I still can't believe two things:
1) That the Democrats can actually keep a straight face while they execute shit like this along with the parallel crap coming out of Pennsylvania Representative John Murtha's mouth (another pitiful old veteran that's lost it mentally.)
2) That the media sucks this shit up through a straw, swishes it around in their mouths, and after enjoying the lovely tangy flavor, they dutifullyfully deliver it on TV and in print for our enjoyment and disgust.
How much longer are we going to keep putting up with this?
1 comment:
why don't you put your patriotism where your mouth is and go enlist?
our military needs the help, and you are just the god-fearing, applepie eating, super patriot they need to help win the war on terror.
btw, osama ain't in iraq.
fucking republicans.
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