Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday Morning

Somebody, Please, Do Something Stupid So That I can Write About It...

My brain is surprisingly quiet this morning.

It's a rare event when I don't have something to say. People that know me personally understand that as a fact.

I'm so addicted to this blogging thing that I almost go into withdrawal if I don't write at least a couple thousand words every day. Most of the time it just comes spontaniously blasting off of my fingertips onto the keyboard, but other days nothing piques my interest enought to do a good rant.

As a minimum I need to cruise around the Web to see what my fellow bloggers are up to.

For instance, I've had some hilarious conversations via comments for the past week over at Miami blogger Steve's place at Hog On Ice. Steve's been doing a little workbench construction at his house, and all of us "experts" have been attempting to help him address the details.

Steve gets about a zillion hits a day, and when he mentioned me with a link last week my traffic here when up about 500%. (Thanks to Steve and Steve's readers that bothered to stop by.)

Meanwhile, in the political world, I really didn't have the energy to say much about the Alito confirmation hearings, other than verbally poking Ted Kennedy with a pointy stick and making fun of him a little. Just putting a picture of old Teddy's face here on the blog spoke, as the old saying goes, at least a thousand words.

I guess the only thing else worth mentioning on the world stage is my frustration with the "peacenicks" here, abroad, and at the UN that continue to want to negotiate with people that are either inately EVIL, insane, or some combination of both.

I'm too old and weak to join the military again so that I can personally help do something about our national security, so I just try to live somewhere other than in the big citys and almost all of my immediate family happens to have the same situations.

They (the bad guys--Korea, Iran, Syria, aren't going away just because we choose to ignore them or have tea parties with them and the UN, and I'm sure that like on 9/11, these terrorists aren't going to waste their energy and opportunity killing a couple of people living out in the sticks (I hope.) I'm going to continue to be a hermit and stay away from things like Manhattin and college football stadiums and the Olympics and hope that I can keep my own ass as a small a target as possible.

Speaking of my own girth, I'm recovering nicely from my brush with death last August, and a nice bonus of a good mortal illness has been a much needed loss of weight. I've never had problems with my weight until the past couple of years since I had to stop water skiing and started sitting around on my ever widening posterior all of the time. I'm happy to be back within 10 pounds or so of my old fighting weight.

I'll keep looking around the news this morning and see if I can find something to bitch about...I'm almost certain something will pop up if I look hard enough.

Meanwhile, y'all have a lovely day...

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