Friday, January 27, 2006

Sitting Around With Our Thumb Stuck Somewhere…

Is that what YOU want us to do?

Things are getting VERY interesting in the Middle East these days. The Hamas victory in the Palestinian election yesterday presents some unique problems for Israel and US foreign policy.

Hurray, they had “democratic” elections, some people might say.

Yeah, RIGHT.

All this proves is that these people, the so-called “Palistinians,” approve of terrorism and the prospect of the annihilation of Israel—a stated goal of the Hamas party in the past.

You do know that Hamas is funded primarily by Iran, don’t you?

When you vote terrorists into office to represent you, I believe that you should fully expect to die the same death as your terrorist leaders. If I had my way they would all spend eternity glowing in the dark recesses of hell drinking oil rather than ice water.

If we keep on fighting among ourselves here stateside and pansy assing around with a touchy-feely limited projection of force in the Middle East, we’re all going to turn on the 6 AM news one morning and see a mushroom cloud rising out of Jerusalem and smoke rising out of NY City subway tunnels adjacent to collapsed bridges over the Hudson.

As for me, I’ll be sitting at the pool saying “told you so…”

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