Sunday, February 05, 2006

Fake Muslim Anger

I guess that for me it is hard to understand the current outrage in the Muslim world over a few cartoons originally published in Danish newspapers back in October last year and reprinted recently in virtually every publication in the world including right here on this blog last week.

Just in case you missed it, here is the image of Muhammad again:

(Please feel free to kick your cat or beat your wife or burn your house down if it will make you feel better)

After all, we here in the US have been subjected to GOVERNMENT FUNDED artistic stupidity like representations of Jesus Christ, nailed on the cross, suspended in a jar of Urine. Remember this image paid for by the National Endowment for the Arts?

A photo of Andres Serrano’s so called “art” sold at Christies Auction house in NY for $105,000 back in 2000.

Based on the Islamic model, I find it interesting that all of the members of the Primitive Baptist and Pentecostal Churches didn’t grab up their Bibles, Rattlesnakes, and cousins sisters wives, and pour out into the streets here in the US, “speaking in tongues” in irreverent protest.

Now two Jordanian newspaper editors have been fired from their jobs and ARRESTED after publishing some of the cartoons along with editorials defending the work and calling for calm in the Muslim community.

Jihad Momani and Hisham Khalidi are accused of insulting religion under Jordan's press and publications law.

Mr Momani was fired from the weekly Shihan after reproducing the cartoons - originally printed in Denmark - which have caused a global storm of protest.

One of the cartoons depicts Muhammad as a terrorist. Any images of the Prophet are banned under Islamic tradition.

'Abuse of freedom'
Mr Momani's arrest came earlier on Saturday, a day after Jordanian King Abdullah condemned the cartoons as an unnecessary abuse of freedom of speech.

Mr Momani's paper, Shihan, had printed three of the cartoons, alongside an editorial questioning whether the angry reaction to them in the Muslim world was justified.

"Muslims of the world be reasonable," wrote Mr Momani.

"What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?"

The Danish and Norwegian Embassies in Damascus Syria were stormed and set on fire yesterday.

The same thing happened to the Danish Embassy in Beirut Lebanon this morning.

What the news media doesn’t bother to tell you while flashing images of wild eyed towel head clad morons burning the Danish flag on the streets of the Gaza strip is that the “offensive” cartoons were actually published last October, and only became an issue recently when presented to the Muslim faithful by a few Imams in order to stir up trouble.

The complained-of cartoons first appeared in October; they have provoked such fury only now.

As reported in this newspaper yesterday, it turns out that a group of Danish imams circulated the images to brethren in Muslim countries. When they did so, they included in their package three other, much more offensive cartoons which had not appeared in Jyllands-Posten but were lumped together so that many thought they had.

It rather looks as if the anger with which all Muslims are said to be burning needed some pretty determined stoking. Peter Mandelson, who seems to think that his job as European Trade Commissioner entitles him to pronounce on matters of faith and morals, accuses the papers that republished the cartoons of "adding fuel to the flames"; but those flames were lit (literally, as well as figuratively) by well-organised, radical Muslims who wanted other Muslims to get furious. How this network has operated would make a cracking piece of investigative journalism.

Now the BBC announces that the head of the International Association of Muslim Scholars has called for an "international day of anger" about the cartoons. It did not name this scholar, or tell us who he is. He is Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. According to Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, Qaradawi is like Pope John XXIII for Catholics, "the most progressive force for change" in the Muslim world.

Yet if you look up Qaradawi's pronouncements, you find that he sympathises with the judicial killing of homosexuals, and wants the rejection of dialogue with Jews in favour of "the sword and the rifle". He is very keen on suicide bombing, especially if the people who blow themselves up are children - "we have the children bomb". This is a man for whom a single "day of anger" is surely little different from the other 364 days of the year.

See, the so called religious leaders in the Islamic Muslim world realize two things. First that their followers are STUPID, and secondly, that they are easily manipulated.



Pseudo-intellectual lunatic said...

cool blog
i never knew georgia had an island

Anonymous said...

oh virg, virg ,virg. you`re comparing apples and oranges again and not coming up with apporans or orapps. you`d have to use the right trigger to get a response. if you would only draw a cartoon of jesus and mary mag sitting in an abortion clinic and post on your blog you could understand wha t southern baptist treachery is all about. or how about jesus kissing another man. come on be brave, larry flynt can`t do all by himself.