Saturday, February 11, 2006

OK, THAT Does It For Me

Muslim…Schmuslim—They’re Mostly Primitive Idiots
(But We’re A Population Of Sophisticated Fools)

Have you been watching the “lamestream” media meltdown over the “Muhammed Cartoon” fiasco?

The whole thing has been like some slow motion train wreck or car crash where you WANT to close your eyes and make it go away, but the story just keeps on replaying over and over as media giants like CNN and the BBC look more retarded and unprofessional by the minute.

I think that the Washington Times editorialist Diana West said it best this week:

Not that we admit it: We dress up our capitulation in fancy talk of "tolerance," "responsibility" and "sensitivity." We even congratulate ourselves for having the "editorial judgment" to make "pluralism" possible. "Readers were well served... without publishing the cartoons," said a Wall Street Journal spokesman. "CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons in respect for Islam," reported the cable network. On behalf of the BBC, which did show some of the cartoons on the air, a news editor subsequently apologized, adding: "We've taken a decision not to go further... in order not to gratuitously offend the significant number" of Muslim viewers worldwide. Left unmentioned is the understanding (editorial judgement?) that "gratuitous offense" leads to gratuitous violence. Hence, fear — not the inspiration of tolerance but of capitulation — and a condition of dhimmitude.

How far does it go? Worth noting, for example, is that on the BBC Web site, a religion page about Islam presents the angels and revelations of Islamic belief as historical fact, rather than spiritual conjecture (as is the case with its Christianity Web page); plus, it follows every mention of Mohammed with "(pbuh)," which means "peace be upon him"—"as if," writes Will Wyatt, former BBC chief executive, in a letter to the Times of London, "the corporation itself were Muslim."

Now, for me, here is the kicker.

Not only did most of these cartoons appear in the Danish newspaper in September or October last year, but World Net Daily reports that the Egyptian newspaper Al Fagr printed the exact same cartoons four months ago, durring the holy Muslim Ramadan holiday, and not a single peep of public protest was heard.

The blog Freedom For Egyptians has more details and published this image from the October 17, 2005 edition:

I don't know about you, but I've seen all I need to see and heard all I need to hear about this total non-story.

Once again, most of the professional journalists and so called business people running our nation's (and the world's) newspapers and TV stations have proven themselves to be partisian, morally bankrupt, idieolically challenged imbecils incapable of logical thought processes.

Like the words to the country song say: “if you don’t stand for something…you’ll fall for anything…”

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