Monday, September 04, 2006

Birthday Successful

World Still Crazy...

Well Folks, I'm rested, I'm lazy, and I still feel quite full at this early morning hour.

I did exactly what I wanted to do almost every minute of the day yesterday--and that would be...


(I'm getting pretty good at it also)

My goal was for us to hide from the vacationers and tourists on our little island the entire weekend, and we were quite successful at it in retrospect.

I had Pat make sure that I was awake from my midday nap by 4 PM, then I ran to the grocery for some fresh baked bread in anticipation of cooking Chicken Piccata for dinner.

Then, after a couple of hours of conversation, antipasta, and dinner with our guests, I was asleep on the sofa by 9 PM.

I'm thinking about hiring a limo and some tugboats to move my bloated carcass around the island, and this year I'll just eat and gain weight and soon I'll probably look like Jabba the Hutt in the movie "Star Wars."

Here's a preview:

Then again...maybe not...I don't want to look too much like Ted Kennedy...

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