Saturday, November 03, 2007

Forty Acres And A Mule?

How About A Freezer And A Three Dollar Turkey???

Dang I LOVE having a chest type Deep Freezer. I've already got frozen meat running out of my ears, but regardless I just got home from a Harris Teeter "three day" pre-Thanksgiving Day sale and get this...

I bought a 11-1/2 Pound Turkey for $3.34 plus tax ($0.29 per pound).

My bird is now residing comfortably in my garage freezer along with a big plastic bag full of giant Alaskan King Crab clusters that were also on sale for less than half price. If I didn't have the volume of cold real estate in which to store my prizes purchased on sale, I would be forced to pay full price over the next few weeks for my holiday meals.

I think that instead of just handing out food stamps to people that the government should drive a truck around poor minority neighborhoods public housing developments up to the front door of the recipients of the public largess and dump a deep freezer off and chain it to the back porch of every address.

Then once a month (every time the local grocer has a sale) the truck would back into the driveway and deliver whatever was on sale that day.

Forget letting our benefactors buy cigarettes and ground beef to feed their dogs, I say that if they want to participate in "assistance programs" that they do like this mean old angry white arrogant "rich guy" and get themselves a freezer and a three dollar turkey rather than waiting until Thanksgiving or Christmas eve and spending $16 of taxpayer money on the exact same meat.

Just call me pragmatic insensitive, I guess...

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