Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Reflections Off A Dirty Mirror

Blurry Images From The Past Predict The Future?

Well, it's the end of day 35 in the latest episode of "Crappy Health Chronicles" and I am most definitely ready for this show to END...and SOON.

Besides being an officially confirmed addict to Oxycodone, I still have a tube sticking out of my right abdomen, a severely limited choice of diet, and I suspect that if I muster all of the strength in my body and spirit I MIGHT be able to make it from the sofa to the mailbox and back in under three minutes.

Other than that, everything is just peachy down here on our little island. Some good news is I believe that I've dropped about 25 pounds off the old pre-illness girth, and with any luck another five or ten pounds might be shaved off during the balance of the slow recovery process.

Perhaps the weirdest part of this ordeal is, although it seems to have gone on forever in some respects, it others it seems just like yesterday that I was wandering in the emergency room for the first time. There are HUGE gaps in my memory, and I'm having trouble filing away things I dreamed about versus things (conversations, events, etc.) that actually happened to me in the process.

One thing that looks the same all the time to me is the stupidity being written and broadcast in the lamestream media regarding the Presidential election. I've officially washed my hands of the process because I need all the strength I can muster just to get myself launched on the new track I've chosen back into the 9 to 5 workforce in a new city and state.

I'm just lucky things have worked like that they have and I still have a chance to get myself squared away medically--there's still a possibility that things could fall apart and I'll lose the new job because of medical issues.

I'm too dang young to be sidelined by medical disability, and I'm far, far away from being financially solvent enough to pay for sitting on my butt all day doing nothing for another twenty or thirty years.

Thank God for Social Security, and all the new Government programs...I guess.

Where do I go to get in line and sign up?


Anonymous said...

I share most of your thoughts about the presidential election, for the first time in my life, I don't think we're going to come out ahead regardless of who is elected. I hope McCain gets it, but he's not going to be very good even if he does. I've been following your General Hospital soap. hope it all ends up well with you being able to eat whatever you'd like. Gov'ment programs? they always seem to be for someone else. But I worked my 50 years and retired and get Social Security and a pension, so I shouldn't gripe. Maybe your new employer will stick with you til you get well enough. Tn won't be like St. Simons tho, but then you know that. Weight loss? at least there's a plus in all this for you. Keep your ever balding, greying head spinning.

Steve H. Graham said...

Do not become a hippie just yet. My readers are praying for you, and they would be extremely disappointed to find out they had wasted their time on you.