Saturday, April 05, 2008

Seven Years Ago Today

Anyone Have A Fire Extinguisher Handy?

About this time on April 5th, 2001 I was driving up into my driveway to find a yellow police tape blocking my progress and steam rising from what was left of my two story brick home.

I've lived almost another entire lifetime of experiences since that day, including self-imposed relocation and significant lifestyle changes (not to mention avoiding the Grim Reaper several times since then.)

Speaking from experience, my advice to everyone willing to listen is this:

1. Call your Mama and at least say "Hey.".

2. Grab everyone else in your family and hug them.

3. Never, never, ever, ever base your self esteem on all the stuff you've accumulated in this world.

Got it?

That will be all, for now...

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