Monday, July 27, 2009

Things That Are Evil Evils Destroying Our Country...

Who Knew?

Oil companies are evil
insurance companies are evil
stock brokers are evil
banks are evil
coal companies are evil
The U.S. Constitution is evil
CEOs are evil
Joe the Plumber is evil
pharmaceutical companies are evil
American foreign policy prior to Obama's presidency is evil
Las Vegas, NV and Orlando, FL are evil
car dealers are evil
Sarah Palin is evil
conservatives are evil
General Motors is evil (wait! Or is GM now a victim of evil. Not sure, must wait to see if GM makes a profit. Then, GM will be evil.)
doctors are evil
nurses are evil
Rush Limbaugh is evil
hospitals are evil (except the Mayo Clinic and the University of Chicago Medical Center)
white policemen are evil (or is it just "stupid")
Fox News is evil
USA made condoms are evil
Sean Hannity is evil
republicans are evil
those who make a profit are evil
George W. Bush is evil
blue dog democrats are evil
capitalism is evil
lobbyists are evil
Wal-Mart is evil
Those who drive SUVs are evil
Those who keep their air conditioners at 72 degrees are evil
wealthy people are evil
those who eat as much as they want are evil
those who don't exercise are evil
those who object to redistribution of wealth are evil
opposition to my health-care plan is evil
criticism of ACORN is evil
the unborn are evil
the elderly are evil
cow flatulence is evil
carbon dioxide is evil

Is Even Evel Kievel Evil?
(Thanks ET over at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical)

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