Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A Basement Without Internet

Is a Dungeon...

You can probably tell that I've not had much time or energy to write anything here on the blog the past few days during the daylight hours.

Thus since I only have sporatic wireless capability that makes the signal come and go with the phases of the moon and some sort of other mystical phenomena, night time blogging is virtually impossible.

I've had to just learn to live with only two or three hours of Internet...it's been a rather cathartic, soul cleansing experience.

I have a sales meeting with the local production facility for a international plastics products company later this afternoon regarding an enterprise which I still don't feel at liberty to discuss here on the blog, then we head back toward the banks of the Mighty Tennessee River tomorrow stopping overnight in the metropolis of Paducah, Kentucky overnight.

Time to go now and finish my sales outline I guess.

Will someone find me something in the news to be mad about in the mean time?

1 comment:

Ed Bonderenka said...

Will someone find me something in the news to be mad about in the mean time?
One word: Obama

Don't know what you're doing, but may God help you with it.