Friday, November 25, 2011

"Black Friday" Isn't A Racist Slur?

Shopping Today Means Nothing To Me...

So just in case you are interested, let me emphatically state that the LAST place you will find me today is standing in line waiting to get in a WalMart at midnight or enduring a rush through the TV/electronics department looking for deals, or otherwise participating in this so-called "Holiday" retail marketing event which has come to be known as...


Why not call this much talked about consumer based day one of these terms:

"Stupid Dumbasses With Credit Cards in Hand Signing Away Most of Next Year's Salary FRIDAY"?

Or perhaps...

"People which don't understand stores are open every day and most of the so called "deals" were already available online last week without standing in the lines in the brick and mortar stores FRIDAY?"

You know?

Then of course there are the limited number of people out there (mainly women) which really can afford to shop and buy almost anything they want at any time...

and just enjoy events like "Black Friday" and last minute Christmas shopping at Macy's in New York City?

And to them I offer a hearty "KNOCK YOURSELF OUT TODAY" because I most definitely will not be there competing for the "limited quantities" of sales items and getting in your way at the cash register.

All ranting and raving wallet and I are happily staying home here today doing mundane things like opening the final unpacked boxes in our offices and garage areas and re-arranging the giant stacks of previously opened boxes we have sorted and piled out in the garage awaiting resale or disposal.

Hope everyone had a LOVELY Turkey Day and has a good balance of the Thanksgiving Holiday...

Regards Y'all...

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