I try to limit my personal attacks on individuals, public or otherwise, to those whom I have a good deal of high quality, well documented information about. Other than the occasional emotional outburst, given time to compose myself, I have adhered to this policy in my writing. I don’t care “what I’ve heard” or “what other’s say” about you, I generally wait until I have some direct contact or experience before I form my final opinion.
Public officials and celebrities, both real and self-proclaimed, are an exception, since I don’t spend much time in Hollywood or roaming the storied halls of the government buildings in Washington DC.
The best form of information available on a person is usually obtained by either hearing them speak in person or by reading something written by them. The old axiom, “do as I say, not as I do” is exceeded by “read what I write and forget what I say. Until the last 100 years or so, the spoken word tended to evaporate into the infinite ether of the universe while the written word has been destined to survive through the ages.
Having said all of that, I come to the subject of Michael Moore. I haven’t seen any of Mr. Moore’s films. I have seen a little too much of Mike’s unshaven, slovenly looking, fairly rotund persona as he has sauntered around the Democratic campaign for the office of President of the United States of America.
Other than a few appearances in a rented tuxedo, the guys’ closet must contain a wardrobe consisting of 500 pairs of sneakers, dozens of brown leather and denim jackets, mountains of baggy, faded blue jeans, complemented by an assortment of baseball caps adorned with the sports team “logo de jour.”
I congratulate Mr. Moore in his success in parlaying his image and position into a fairly nice living, but I have wondered about his motives and intellectual ability on a core basis. Beyond riding the wave of liberal outrage, what does he know, what does he think, and what can he really do in life besides stir up controversy?
Well, we can all stop wondering. After three days of silence, Senior Moore, the rocket scientist, has come out of hiding to post his latest thesis about the results of the election, 17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrists.
I usually do a bunch of background research in order to support my posts, but I refuse to waste my time reading any more about this obvious genius. I am fairly certain that he is in his mid- thirties, but his writing must be aimed at teens and early twenty-somethings and it reads like it was written by a high school sophomore.
I have a suggestion for Mr. Moore…Grow up and get a life!!
(God knows you have the cash to pay for it…)
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Here's Hannibal...
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Yasser Arafat Is Dead (And I don't Feel So Good Myself)
I was taking a few minutes off from writing “The Fair Tax Plan is Really Fair” in order to watch President Bush’s first press conference since the election. In the middle of the press conference, one of the reporters prefaced his question with an announcement that Yasser Arafat had died this morning.
I would normally react with muted applause while being deferential to the grief of the Arafat family, but somehow I’m not exactly sure if I can celebrate the passing of this proven, documented terrorist.
Like the fall of the Soviet Union, what fractionalization are we now facing in the leadership effort to establish a Palestinian state? What new towel head radical will take the reigns of the PLO?
Perhaps this is a good omen for the new Bush administration. Perhaps the new PLO leadership will be rational and reasonable and we can truly forge a framework for Middle Eastern peace.
We can only hope for the best.
UPDATE: November 8, 2004
Ok, ok, ok...I was wrong, technically. They are still pounding on poor old Yasser's chest and have tubing stuck in every bodily orifice (and several extra tubes pushed into new, manmade holes) and they claim that he is still alive. For all intents and purposes, he's "bought the farm," or at least his own personal piece of arid, rocky, middle eastern desert.
So the title to my Post should have read "Yasser Arafat Is A Gonner..." His old lady and his lieutennants are predictably fighting over his money and his position as the leader of the PLO and the poor bastard isn't even cold and burried in his own little section of the Gaza Strip. Israel is refusing to inter him in Jereusalem and based on his history, I believe they have that right.
I'm working on a new series of posts on Yasser and the PLO that will cover some issues you need to hear in detail.
For now, RIP Mr. Arafat.
UPDATE: November 11, 2004
Well, like I said last Thursday, Yasser was a gonner, and he is now finally. Thanks to our useless French friends for leading the charge to elevate this petty criminal/terrorist to the rank of statesman. Let's all step out of the way to let the news anchors from ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all come by to kiss his ring finger.
And of course Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter, and each and every other member of the United Nations "Love Your Local Dictator and Socalist Club" will come out to mourn the loss of his miserable carcass. At the risk of sounding crass, crude, and socially unacceptable....
Good riddence...
I would normally react with muted applause while being deferential to the grief of the Arafat family, but somehow I’m not exactly sure if I can celebrate the passing of this proven, documented terrorist.
Like the fall of the Soviet Union, what fractionalization are we now facing in the leadership effort to establish a Palestinian state? What new towel head radical will take the reigns of the PLO?
Perhaps this is a good omen for the new Bush administration. Perhaps the new PLO leadership will be rational and reasonable and we can truly forge a framework for Middle Eastern peace.
We can only hope for the best.
UPDATE: November 8, 2004
Ok, ok, ok...I was wrong, technically. They are still pounding on poor old Yasser's chest and have tubing stuck in every bodily orifice (and several extra tubes pushed into new, manmade holes) and they claim that he is still alive. For all intents and purposes, he's "bought the farm," or at least his own personal piece of arid, rocky, middle eastern desert.
So the title to my Post should have read "Yasser Arafat Is A Gonner..." His old lady and his lieutennants are predictably fighting over his money and his position as the leader of the PLO and the poor bastard isn't even cold and burried in his own little section of the Gaza Strip. Israel is refusing to inter him in Jereusalem and based on his history, I believe they have that right.
I'm working on a new series of posts on Yasser and the PLO that will cover some issues you need to hear in detail.
For now, RIP Mr. Arafat.
UPDATE: November 11, 2004
Well, like I said last Thursday, Yasser was a gonner, and he is now finally. Thanks to our useless French friends for leading the charge to elevate this petty criminal/terrorist to the rank of statesman. Let's all step out of the way to let the news anchors from ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all come by to kiss his ring finger.
And of course Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter, and each and every other member of the United Nations "Love Your Local Dictator and Socalist Club" will come out to mourn the loss of his miserable carcass. At the risk of sounding crass, crude, and socially unacceptable....
Good riddence...
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
You Reap What You Sew
I have an acquaintance, Charles, who used to be a next-door neighbor at my first house I purchased back in the mid 1980’s. Charles was attending law school at night at the time and was working all day to support his wife and young son. He looked like a nice fellow on paper, based on the information he presented to us about his self.
Charles and I lost contact with each other after a few years when his family moved to a new home a few miles away. The distance between us wasn’t the reason for the alienation, however. It was, rather (but not Dan Rather,) his treatment of my ex-wife and I after his departure. You see, he stiffed us of the $1000 finders fee he promised to pay anyone that could bring him a buyer for the house he owned next door. We did find him a buyer the very next day, one of my ex’s co-workers, and he didn’t pay us the finder’s fee. Not a word, not an apology, not even drinks or a dinner out. We let him get away with it gracefully
Fast forward to 2003-2004 and I learn that my old friend Charles has not only graduated from law school and been admitted to the State Bar of Georgia, but Charles has been elected to be Chief Magistrate Judge of Cherokee County, Georgia. Hurray for Charles!
As the title to this post says, there is a certain truth to the Biblical saying “you reap what you sew.” You see, Charles had had a few problems in his past that recently came to the surface. Some really bad problems in his past. I think they refer to his problems as issues dealing with "moral turpitude."
It seems that Charles name wasn’t originally Charles—he changed it—and his past convictions for theft of government property, possession of methamphetamine, and his resulting dishonorable discharge from the US Army in the late 1970’s was a problem as to his suitability to be an elected judge. He failed to reveal these little "hicups" when he made application for election to the judiciary.
The revelations of these indiscressions by a political foe recently caused the Georgia Supreme Court to recall him from the Magistrate’s bench. Adding to his humiliation, the local press was all over the events, in real time, as they occurred, which is how I found out about his troubles long distance, through the Internet. I think they are after his law license now. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy…
Which brings me to my current concern—Senator John F. Kerry’s war record. He beat us to death with self aggrandizing war stories for six months of the campaign while the press was breaking their collective necks looking the other way (for 30 years, for that matter.) The Swift Vets were partisan liars, Kerry was a War Hero.
I suggest that if Kerry wants to continue to represent Massachusetts as a US Senator, it is time for him to sign form 180 and let the nation see his true war records, not just “all of the records that the Navy has sent to me” as he has said in his web site.
I’m not going to dignify the rumors that I have heard with validity by repeating them here. They are still simply rumors, but I will point out that they are spreading on the internet if you wish to see them. IF they are true, Masseur Kerry needs to not only not be president, he needs to resign his position as Senator and "move-on.org" back to France.
Can you say recall vote???
Charles and I lost contact with each other after a few years when his family moved to a new home a few miles away. The distance between us wasn’t the reason for the alienation, however. It was, rather (but not Dan Rather,) his treatment of my ex-wife and I after his departure. You see, he stiffed us of the $1000 finders fee he promised to pay anyone that could bring him a buyer for the house he owned next door. We did find him a buyer the very next day, one of my ex’s co-workers, and he didn’t pay us the finder’s fee. Not a word, not an apology, not even drinks or a dinner out. We let him get away with it gracefully
Fast forward to 2003-2004 and I learn that my old friend Charles has not only graduated from law school and been admitted to the State Bar of Georgia, but Charles has been elected to be Chief Magistrate Judge of Cherokee County, Georgia. Hurray for Charles!
As the title to this post says, there is a certain truth to the Biblical saying “you reap what you sew.” You see, Charles had had a few problems in his past that recently came to the surface. Some really bad problems in his past. I think they refer to his problems as issues dealing with "moral turpitude."
It seems that Charles name wasn’t originally Charles—he changed it—and his past convictions for theft of government property, possession of methamphetamine, and his resulting dishonorable discharge from the US Army in the late 1970’s was a problem as to his suitability to be an elected judge. He failed to reveal these little "hicups" when he made application for election to the judiciary.
The revelations of these indiscressions by a political foe recently caused the Georgia Supreme Court to recall him from the Magistrate’s bench. Adding to his humiliation, the local press was all over the events, in real time, as they occurred, which is how I found out about his troubles long distance, through the Internet. I think they are after his law license now. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy…
Which brings me to my current concern—Senator John F. Kerry’s war record. He beat us to death with self aggrandizing war stories for six months of the campaign while the press was breaking their collective necks looking the other way (for 30 years, for that matter.) The Swift Vets were partisan liars, Kerry was a War Hero.
I suggest that if Kerry wants to continue to represent Massachusetts as a US Senator, it is time for him to sign form 180 and let the nation see his true war records, not just “all of the records that the Navy has sent to me” as he has said in his web site.
I’m not going to dignify the rumors that I have heard with validity by repeating them here. They are still simply rumors, but I will point out that they are spreading on the internet if you wish to see them. IF they are true, Masseur Kerry needs to not only not be president, he needs to resign his position as Senator and "move-on.org" back to France.
Can you say recall vote???
Unite on 'Common Ground'
USA Today’s online editorial this morning is titled “Unite on ‘Common Ground.’ It is written by, of all people, California ultra-liberal Nancy Pelosi. Well isn’t that special, coming from someone who could be defined by Webster’s as “an expert in partisan divisiveness.” I’m sure she can teach us a great deal—NOT!
After Republicans and conservatives have had a chance to politely celebrate our recent victories in the election for the office of the President, the House, the Senate, and various local and regional races, we will innately turn to the task of healing wounds and attempting to bring a coalition of Americans from both sides together to go about the business of running our country. And we will do this as a matter of instinct and human nature, not at the request of the venomous Ms. Pelosi and newspapers like USA Today that have covered the election in a shamefully partisan manner.
I find it curious that Nancy and the USA Today editors waste no time offering an olive branch of peace to the 2004 Republican politicians and their supporters when they in reality should be waving a white flag of surrender. They want to shake hands, get a big ‘ole hug, maybe a sloppy kiss on the mouth, and let bygones be bygones. I have a little problem being so friendly so soon after declaring the “end of major military operations.”
In a country other the USA, like Iran or Korea, the whole liberal crowd and their media co-conspirators could be facing a firing squad as a result of their actions. And the sad thing is that I am afraid, while the liberals seem to be calling for a good working relationship—“a climate of give and take”—that in reality it will be business as usual with conservatives doing all of the giving and the liberals doing all of the taking. “We gotta do this” and “we gotta do that.” That’s liberal speak for “you have to give me this concession” and “you must give me that concession,” lest I hold my breath or lie down in the floor and have a screaming kicking fit.
To quote Ms. Pelosi:
“The new administration should also address, at once, our domestic priorities: creating good jobs, better access to health care and the best possible education for our children. Even on these complicated issues, there is broad bipartisan consensus on certain concrete steps we could take immediately.
To create jobs, we can begin by passing a robust transportation bill that will create 1.7 million new jobs nationwide, while modernizing our infrastructure.”
OK Nancy, show me in the Constitution where it says that it is the government’s responsibility to create jobs? Show me where the Federal Government should be involved in Education (you can thank Jimmy Carter for the Department of Education and the current debacle.)
“We must also reform the tax code to end incentives for outsourcing. As a matter of basic fairness, no taxpayer should have to subsidize the outsourcing of his or her own job.”
Outsourcing of jobs? Where I come from its is called subcontracting, and it is very effective. If it is my company, they are MY jobs, not the employees’ jobs, and I’ll by God hire whoever I want to, where ever I want to--male, female, purple skin, or green.
It’s my company and the bottom line costs are my responsibility. I am a business working to make me and the other owners of the company a profit. We are not a job creating charity, and further, if the government isn't in the business of creating jobs or subsidizing jobs, the taxpayer won't have "to subsidize the outsourcing of his or her own job.
“To expand access to quality, affordable health care, Congress should take up legislation on the first day of the new session to provide health insurance to every child. We must also revisit the widely unpopular prescription drug bill to lower the cost of prescription drugs by allowing the safe reimportation of drugs from Canada and elsewhere. And we must unlock the miraculous promise of stem cell research.”
Health insurance for every child? Health care for children is already available virtually across the board. The crack head parents just need to take the child to the free clinic.
And another thing. The Prescription Drug Bill was a perfect example of the Republicans trying to work with the Democrats in a bi-partisan effort. You are right that in it’s current form it is bad, but it’s the concept in general, not the implementation that is the problem. More government involvement in our national healthcare system will only serve to cause more waste and further increase costs. The FDA regulation of the hated “big pharmaceutical companies” is the cause of high drug costs, not the solution. Canada’s drugs cost less because their bureaucrats have less hurdles for the drug makers to jump through to get medicine on the shelves for consumers. And we don’t have enough flue shots this year as a direct result of lawyers like John Edwards and government's vaccine purchasing programs.
Get this through your expensively coiffed head: there is no government ban on stem cell research. There is a ban on funding new lines of embryonic stems cells, but all the existing lines are not being used currently. There is increased government funding on adult stem cell work. The only existing therapies using stem cells involve the use of adult stem cells. There are no existing treatment’s that have developed using embryonic stem cells. Further, private businesses are free to spend their entire piggy bank on existing embryonic stem cell lines and all the adult stem cell lines they can finance. The election is over, stop lying about “bans on stem cell research.”
“To improve education, we must keep the promise of No Child Left Behind, which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. And we must make college education more affordable, so that every student who has the motivation will also have the means.”
No Child Left Behind is an under funded Federal government mandate on the states that is doomed to failure as long as students and parents don’t make an equal commitment to academic success. College education is a function of supply and demand, not government regulation. Student motivation will produce the means, massive government funding of unqualified students will simply lower educational quality. Look at Georgia’s Hope Scholarship Program if you want a perfect example of the outcome
Finally, Ms Pelosi ends her piece with this gem:
“As the rhetoric of the campaign recedes, the business of governing—and leading—begins anew. As elected officials, our commitment must be to build a future worthy of the vision of our Founding Fathers, worthy of the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform and worthy of the aspirations of our children.”
I trust that Nancy Pelosi will take a large, double dose of her own advice. And in the words of Forrest Gump…”and that’s all I have to say about that…”
UPDATE: November 4, 2004
I just knew that Nancy didn't sound in the USA Today OpEd piece like the old Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader that we love to hate. On the same day her flowery text was published, her mouth was busy telling us what she really thought and felt in response to House Speaker Dennis Hastert's offer "to work with those Democrats who want to work with me to get good things done for the American people..."
Miss Pelosi says "(t)he Republicans did not have an election about jobs, health care, education, environment, national security. They had an election about wedge issues in our country, and you know what they are," she said.
"They exploited the loveliness of the American people, the devoutness of people of faith for a political end."
So which is it Nancy?
Are you, or aren't you going to listen to your own words and 'unite on common ground'?
After Republicans and conservatives have had a chance to politely celebrate our recent victories in the election for the office of the President, the House, the Senate, and various local and regional races, we will innately turn to the task of healing wounds and attempting to bring a coalition of Americans from both sides together to go about the business of running our country. And we will do this as a matter of instinct and human nature, not at the request of the venomous Ms. Pelosi and newspapers like USA Today that have covered the election in a shamefully partisan manner.
I find it curious that Nancy and the USA Today editors waste no time offering an olive branch of peace to the 2004 Republican politicians and their supporters when they in reality should be waving a white flag of surrender. They want to shake hands, get a big ‘ole hug, maybe a sloppy kiss on the mouth, and let bygones be bygones. I have a little problem being so friendly so soon after declaring the “end of major military operations.”
In a country other the USA, like Iran or Korea, the whole liberal crowd and their media co-conspirators could be facing a firing squad as a result of their actions. And the sad thing is that I am afraid, while the liberals seem to be calling for a good working relationship—“a climate of give and take”—that in reality it will be business as usual with conservatives doing all of the giving and the liberals doing all of the taking. “We gotta do this” and “we gotta do that.” That’s liberal speak for “you have to give me this concession” and “you must give me that concession,” lest I hold my breath or lie down in the floor and have a screaming kicking fit.
To quote Ms. Pelosi:
“The new administration should also address, at once, our domestic priorities: creating good jobs, better access to health care and the best possible education for our children. Even on these complicated issues, there is broad bipartisan consensus on certain concrete steps we could take immediately.
To create jobs, we can begin by passing a robust transportation bill that will create 1.7 million new jobs nationwide, while modernizing our infrastructure.”
OK Nancy, show me in the Constitution where it says that it is the government’s responsibility to create jobs? Show me where the Federal Government should be involved in Education (you can thank Jimmy Carter for the Department of Education and the current debacle.)
“We must also reform the tax code to end incentives for outsourcing. As a matter of basic fairness, no taxpayer should have to subsidize the outsourcing of his or her own job.”
Outsourcing of jobs? Where I come from its is called subcontracting, and it is very effective. If it is my company, they are MY jobs, not the employees’ jobs, and I’ll by God hire whoever I want to, where ever I want to--male, female, purple skin, or green.
It’s my company and the bottom line costs are my responsibility. I am a business working to make me and the other owners of the company a profit. We are not a job creating charity, and further, if the government isn't in the business of creating jobs or subsidizing jobs, the taxpayer won't have "to subsidize the outsourcing of his or her own job.
“To expand access to quality, affordable health care, Congress should take up legislation on the first day of the new session to provide health insurance to every child. We must also revisit the widely unpopular prescription drug bill to lower the cost of prescription drugs by allowing the safe reimportation of drugs from Canada and elsewhere. And we must unlock the miraculous promise of stem cell research.”
Health insurance for every child? Health care for children is already available virtually across the board. The crack head parents just need to take the child to the free clinic.
And another thing. The Prescription Drug Bill was a perfect example of the Republicans trying to work with the Democrats in a bi-partisan effort. You are right that in it’s current form it is bad, but it’s the concept in general, not the implementation that is the problem. More government involvement in our national healthcare system will only serve to cause more waste and further increase costs. The FDA regulation of the hated “big pharmaceutical companies” is the cause of high drug costs, not the solution. Canada’s drugs cost less because their bureaucrats have less hurdles for the drug makers to jump through to get medicine on the shelves for consumers. And we don’t have enough flue shots this year as a direct result of lawyers like John Edwards and government's vaccine purchasing programs.
Get this through your expensively coiffed head: there is no government ban on stem cell research. There is a ban on funding new lines of embryonic stems cells, but all the existing lines are not being used currently. There is increased government funding on adult stem cell work. The only existing therapies using stem cells involve the use of adult stem cells. There are no existing treatment’s that have developed using embryonic stem cells. Further, private businesses are free to spend their entire piggy bank on existing embryonic stem cell lines and all the adult stem cell lines they can finance. The election is over, stop lying about “bans on stem cell research.”
“To improve education, we must keep the promise of No Child Left Behind, which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. And we must make college education more affordable, so that every student who has the motivation will also have the means.”
No Child Left Behind is an under funded Federal government mandate on the states that is doomed to failure as long as students and parents don’t make an equal commitment to academic success. College education is a function of supply and demand, not government regulation. Student motivation will produce the means, massive government funding of unqualified students will simply lower educational quality. Look at Georgia’s Hope Scholarship Program if you want a perfect example of the outcome
Finally, Ms Pelosi ends her piece with this gem:
“As the rhetoric of the campaign recedes, the business of governing—and leading—begins anew. As elected officials, our commitment must be to build a future worthy of the vision of our Founding Fathers, worthy of the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform and worthy of the aspirations of our children.”
I trust that Nancy Pelosi will take a large, double dose of her own advice. And in the words of Forrest Gump…”and that’s all I have to say about that…”
UPDATE: November 4, 2004
I just knew that Nancy didn't sound in the USA Today OpEd piece like the old Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader that we love to hate. On the same day her flowery text was published, her mouth was busy telling us what she really thought and felt in response to House Speaker Dennis Hastert's offer "to work with those Democrats who want to work with me to get good things done for the American people..."
Miss Pelosi says "(t)he Republicans did not have an election about jobs, health care, education, environment, national security. They had an election about wedge issues in our country, and you know what they are," she said.
"They exploited the loveliness of the American people, the devoutness of people of faith for a political end."
So which is it Nancy?
Are you, or aren't you going to listen to your own words and 'unite on common ground'?
The Fat lady Has Sung, But it's not over
With the dust settling around the free-for-all that we called the 2004 presidential election, Kerry conceded by telephone at 11:05 AM this morning and Bush is expected to talk to us in a little while.
Kerry has been hiding all morning in his palatial townhome in Boston’s Beacon Hill district and appears to be as arrogant in addressing his resounding loss as he has been over the past six months of the campaign. President Bush has waited patently for Kerry to go first. Many people see the only remaining tasks to be a little “housekeeping” regarding the provisional ballots in Ohio and swatting a few lawyers on the nose that are sniffing around other states looking for signs of “disenfranchisement” and “intimidation.”
Not me.
With the conclusion of the election follies, I am ready to demand some answers from the mainstream media regarding what, if anything, they intend to do about policing their ungodly, unmitigated, unrestrained, brazen liberal bias that was exposed during this election cycle. Specifically, where are the results of the “independent” investigation regarding Dan Rather’s forged documents? What is CBS going to do to prevent such obvious, calculated, malicious behavior from occurring in the future? Can you say N-O-T-H-I-N-G?
Then there is this matter of election day coverage and the newly revised, so called independent, “exit polls.” Polls that were used as the exclusive basis of the early proclamations of a large Kerry lead. Just like the early calling of a Florida victory for Al Gore in 2000, the large leads shown by all TV broadcast and cable outlets, supported by the exit polls, were bound to have adversely affected voter attitudes and could have caused mid-American and west coast voters to not vote at all because of the huge Kerry lead. (It might have actually helped Bush) Further, if you stopped watching and went to bed at 10:00 PM, you awoke this morning to the surprise news that it was in fact Bush, not Kerry that was going to lead our country for the next four years.
At the core of the new and improved exit poll consortium is one of “the usual suspects”--the Associated Press. In my opinion the whole thing was designed and implemented as a last minute media assault on the election outcome. If that was in fact not the pure intent, in light of the other indiscressions committed through the campaign, it was certainly the result and it needs adressing.
Need I say more? Beam me up, Scotty…
Update: November 12, 2004
If I'm not accurate, I hope to be the first to admit it--and I was wrong.
I was premature with my declaration of Kerry being arrogant in making us wait for his concession speach. I don't blame him for waiting for the facts, and he was in fact quite humble in conceeding the election to President Bush and not filing an endless chain of lawsuits.
Damn good try Mr. Kerry, you almost won the most powerful position in the world, something I will certainally never have the opportunity to aspire to. For that, you deserve a salute. Here it is ....S-A-L-U-T-E!
Kerry has been hiding all morning in his palatial townhome in Boston’s Beacon Hill district and appears to be as arrogant in addressing his resounding loss as he has been over the past six months of the campaign. President Bush has waited patently for Kerry to go first. Many people see the only remaining tasks to be a little “housekeeping” regarding the provisional ballots in Ohio and swatting a few lawyers on the nose that are sniffing around other states looking for signs of “disenfranchisement” and “intimidation.”
Not me.
With the conclusion of the election follies, I am ready to demand some answers from the mainstream media regarding what, if anything, they intend to do about policing their ungodly, unmitigated, unrestrained, brazen liberal bias that was exposed during this election cycle. Specifically, where are the results of the “independent” investigation regarding Dan Rather’s forged documents? What is CBS going to do to prevent such obvious, calculated, malicious behavior from occurring in the future? Can you say N-O-T-H-I-N-G?
Then there is this matter of election day coverage and the newly revised, so called independent, “exit polls.” Polls that were used as the exclusive basis of the early proclamations of a large Kerry lead. Just like the early calling of a Florida victory for Al Gore in 2000, the large leads shown by all TV broadcast and cable outlets, supported by the exit polls, were bound to have adversely affected voter attitudes and could have caused mid-American and west coast voters to not vote at all because of the huge Kerry lead. (It might have actually helped Bush) Further, if you stopped watching and went to bed at 10:00 PM, you awoke this morning to the surprise news that it was in fact Bush, not Kerry that was going to lead our country for the next four years.
At the core of the new and improved exit poll consortium is one of “the usual suspects”--the Associated Press. In my opinion the whole thing was designed and implemented as a last minute media assault on the election outcome. If that was in fact not the pure intent, in light of the other indiscressions committed through the campaign, it was certainly the result and it needs adressing.
Need I say more? Beam me up, Scotty…
Update: November 12, 2004
If I'm not accurate, I hope to be the first to admit it--and I was wrong.
I was premature with my declaration of Kerry being arrogant in making us wait for his concession speach. I don't blame him for waiting for the facts, and he was in fact quite humble in conceeding the election to President Bush and not filing an endless chain of lawsuits.
Damn good try Mr. Kerry, you almost won the most powerful position in the world, something I will certainally never have the opportunity to aspire to. For that, you deserve a salute. Here it is ....S-A-L-U-T-E!
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Partisan Predictions
I promise that I am going to shift gears in the next few weeks, if not days, and go back to less overtly political commentary, but I feel compelled to come out now and divulge a prediction that I have been making privately to my family and close friends for several months.
It is based on gut instict and a wishfulness not just for my political "team" to win, but rather (but not Dan Rather) my sincere desire to get President Bush another term in office so he can continue to prosecute the war on terrorism.
I don't want poor people to starve, I don't want middle class families to pay excessive taxes or not have medical care, I am not going to shove abortion rights or gay marrage issues down anyone's throats...I just want the Islamo-Muslim-towel-head-weird-beards and the little Korean troll dictator to get their come-uppance and I believe that George W. Bush is the man to do it.
I predict Bush by 300+ electorial votes, and a 53% chunk of the popular vote.
Lets wait and see what happens.
It is based on gut instict and a wishfulness not just for my political "team" to win, but rather (but not Dan Rather) my sincere desire to get President Bush another term in office so he can continue to prosecute the war on terrorism.
I don't want poor people to starve, I don't want middle class families to pay excessive taxes or not have medical care, I am not going to shove abortion rights or gay marrage issues down anyone's throats...I just want the Islamo-Muslim-towel-head-weird-beards and the little Korean troll dictator to get their come-uppance and I believe that George W. Bush is the man to do it.
I predict Bush by 300+ electorial votes, and a 53% chunk of the popular vote.
Lets wait and see what happens.
Monday, November 01, 2004
We're Not in Kansas Anymore, Toto
Since the collapse of the twin towers in 2001, I have often speculated as to the form and the location of the next terrorist attack. This debate also has usually included a discussion of the potential effectiveness (or lack thereof) of our Homeland Security measures.
My point has been that while the attack on the World Trade Center brought a startling reality to the entire spectrum of American society, in practice, for most Americans, it still happened “up there” in New York City, not “out here” in Topeka, Kansas or even on St. Simons Island, Georgia.
We have implemented many well conceived, effective measures to combat potential terrorism and the citizens of the US have done a good job of adapting to the post 9/11 security realities. We have also conceived of some strangely convoluted security measures like screening the walkers and orthopedic shoes of 90 year old Kansas City grandmothers in airports while at the same time allowing young, turban clad men of obvious middle-eastern descent to stroll unfettered through the screening area—fearful of being guilty of politically incorrect “profiling.”
My contention has been that the next terrorist attack does not in fact have to occur on a high profile target in a major city like New York, Washington DC, or Chicago. It could happen anywhere and it wouldn’t have to kill thousands to be effective. Imagine the psychological impact of the detonation of a series of five 2000 pound car bombs, each placed in a different US city adjacent to a movie theater or suburban football stadium packed with people on a Friday night.
Maybe only a few hundred people would be killed in each incident, but an attack like this would shut this country down. Everyone would run to the bank and the grocery store and go home to batten down the hatches for weeks if not months. The aftermath would include no parking zones, reminiscent of the setbacks at airports, for tens of dozens of yards adjacent to all public places of assembly like theaters, malls, stadiums, etc. Forget parking the old Suburban on the curb to wait while the old lady runs into the local “Stash & Cash” to pick up a gallon of milk--unless you want to risk being ripped from your vehicle and strip searched as a result.
Having said this, I wish to point out a major error in the transcript of last Friday’s Osama bin Laden video message to the American people. The Middle East Media Research Institute points out an error in the translation of what Osama “Weird Beard” bin Laden had to say, and it is substantial:
The tape of Osama bin Laden that was aired on Al-Jazeera(1) on Friday, October 29th included a specific threat to "each U.S. state," designed to influence the outcome of the upcoming election against George W. Bush. The U.S. media in general mistranslated the words "ay wilaya" (which means "each U.S. state")(2) to mean a "country" or "nation" other than the U.S., while in fact the threat was directed specifically at each individual U.S. state. This suggests some knowledge by bin Laden of the U.S. electoral college system. In a section of his speech in which he harshly criticized George W. Bush, bin Laden stated: "Any U.S. state that does not toy with our security automatically guarantees its own security."
The Islamist website Al-Qal'a explained what this sentence meant: "This message was a warning to every U.S. state separately. When he [Osama Bin Laden] said, 'Every state will be determining its own security, and will be responsible for its choice,' it means that any U.S. state that will choose to vote for the white thug Bush as president has chosen to fight us, and we will consider it our enemy, and any state that will vote against Bush has chosen to make peace with us, and we will not characterize it as an enemy. By this characterization, Sheikh Osama wants to drive a wedge in the American body, to weaken it, and he wants to divide the American people itself between enemies of Islam and the Muslims, and those who fight for us, so that he doesn't treat all American people as if they're the same. This letter will have great implications inside the American society, part of which are connected to the American elections, and part of which are connected to what will come after the elections."(3)
So there it is folks, a direct threat to the security of each and every state--INDIVIDUALLY-- based on the outcome of the Electoral College vote. The inference is that if we re-elect “the white thug Bush,” then the states that didn’t vote Bush are safe and those that did vote Bush are at risk of further attacks. So we are really supposed to believe this crappolla?
As I stated in my previous post, Weird Beard Calls Time Out, what ever happened to Osama’s call for the restoration of Islam to the historical Eastern regions and converting the infidel countries of the West? What happened to world-wide Jihad? Did he change his mind after nearly having his ass shot off in Tora Bora?
What bin Laden apparently doesn’t understand is that we are the United States of America, not simply 50 independent states, one district, and some international possessions operating under a fancy flag/corporate logo in order to get retirement benefits and cheep group insurance rates. If you attack one state, you attack all Americans, and because we are a mobile society--even if I don’t live in a given city, chances are that I have a friend, relative, or business associate that does. You hit Kansas, you piss Alabama and Georgia off—real bad (and we have more guns per capita than practically any other part of the country.)
The new video tape can be translated, diallated, mastigated, and debated until we are all blue in the face, but it should be allowed to serve only two distinct purposes.
The first is to prove that Osama bin laden is still out there leading the Islamic war against
the free world.
The second, and most important, is to affirm the need to reelect president George Bush so
that he can finish his competent prosecution of the war on terror.
We, as a nation, cannot, like the Spanish, allow ourselves to cave in to overt threats from outside movements designed to influence OUR national elections.
As my title says, “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.”
My point has been that while the attack on the World Trade Center brought a startling reality to the entire spectrum of American society, in practice, for most Americans, it still happened “up there” in New York City, not “out here” in Topeka, Kansas or even on St. Simons Island, Georgia.
We have implemented many well conceived, effective measures to combat potential terrorism and the citizens of the US have done a good job of adapting to the post 9/11 security realities. We have also conceived of some strangely convoluted security measures like screening the walkers and orthopedic shoes of 90 year old Kansas City grandmothers in airports while at the same time allowing young, turban clad men of obvious middle-eastern descent to stroll unfettered through the screening area—fearful of being guilty of politically incorrect “profiling.”
My contention has been that the next terrorist attack does not in fact have to occur on a high profile target in a major city like New York, Washington DC, or Chicago. It could happen anywhere and it wouldn’t have to kill thousands to be effective. Imagine the psychological impact of the detonation of a series of five 2000 pound car bombs, each placed in a different US city adjacent to a movie theater or suburban football stadium packed with people on a Friday night.
Maybe only a few hundred people would be killed in each incident, but an attack like this would shut this country down. Everyone would run to the bank and the grocery store and go home to batten down the hatches for weeks if not months. The aftermath would include no parking zones, reminiscent of the setbacks at airports, for tens of dozens of yards adjacent to all public places of assembly like theaters, malls, stadiums, etc. Forget parking the old Suburban on the curb to wait while the old lady runs into the local “Stash & Cash” to pick up a gallon of milk--unless you want to risk being ripped from your vehicle and strip searched as a result.
Having said this, I wish to point out a major error in the transcript of last Friday’s Osama bin Laden video message to the American people. The Middle East Media Research Institute points out an error in the translation of what Osama “Weird Beard” bin Laden had to say, and it is substantial:
The tape of Osama bin Laden that was aired on Al-Jazeera(1) on Friday, October 29th included a specific threat to "each U.S. state," designed to influence the outcome of the upcoming election against George W. Bush. The U.S. media in general mistranslated the words "ay wilaya" (which means "each U.S. state")(2) to mean a "country" or "nation" other than the U.S., while in fact the threat was directed specifically at each individual U.S. state. This suggests some knowledge by bin Laden of the U.S. electoral college system. In a section of his speech in which he harshly criticized George W. Bush, bin Laden stated: "Any U.S. state that does not toy with our security automatically guarantees its own security."
The Islamist website Al-Qal'a explained what this sentence meant: "This message was a warning to every U.S. state separately. When he [Osama Bin Laden] said, 'Every state will be determining its own security, and will be responsible for its choice,' it means that any U.S. state that will choose to vote for the white thug Bush as president has chosen to fight us, and we will consider it our enemy, and any state that will vote against Bush has chosen to make peace with us, and we will not characterize it as an enemy. By this characterization, Sheikh Osama wants to drive a wedge in the American body, to weaken it, and he wants to divide the American people itself between enemies of Islam and the Muslims, and those who fight for us, so that he doesn't treat all American people as if they're the same. This letter will have great implications inside the American society, part of which are connected to the American elections, and part of which are connected to what will come after the elections."(3)
So there it is folks, a direct threat to the security of each and every state--INDIVIDUALLY-- based on the outcome of the Electoral College vote. The inference is that if we re-elect “the white thug Bush,” then the states that didn’t vote Bush are safe and those that did vote Bush are at risk of further attacks. So we are really supposed to believe this crappolla?
As I stated in my previous post, Weird Beard Calls Time Out, what ever happened to Osama’s call for the restoration of Islam to the historical Eastern regions and converting the infidel countries of the West? What happened to world-wide Jihad? Did he change his mind after nearly having his ass shot off in Tora Bora?
What bin Laden apparently doesn’t understand is that we are the United States of America, not simply 50 independent states, one district, and some international possessions operating under a fancy flag/corporate logo in order to get retirement benefits and cheep group insurance rates. If you attack one state, you attack all Americans, and because we are a mobile society--even if I don’t live in a given city, chances are that I have a friend, relative, or business associate that does. You hit Kansas, you piss Alabama and Georgia off—real bad (and we have more guns per capita than practically any other part of the country.)
The new video tape can be translated, diallated, mastigated, and debated until we are all blue in the face, but it should be allowed to serve only two distinct purposes.
The first is to prove that Osama bin laden is still out there leading the Islamic war against
the free world.
The second, and most important, is to affirm the need to reelect president George Bush so
that he can finish his competent prosecution of the war on terror.
We, as a nation, cannot, like the Spanish, allow ourselves to cave in to overt threats from outside movements designed to influence OUR national elections.
As my title says, “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.”