My regular readers and lurkers may remember that last November I ordered a new custom built HP Tower PC online with the intentions of letting it do the server duties in my ever growing five computer home data processing empire.
In addition to gobs of Hard Drive and RAM capacity, I winced and bought the then new Windows Vista product because that's all HP was offering factory installed--but my my heart and soul and what's left of my mind inside my ever greying, ever balding skull wanted XP Professional.
Since then, approximately every 24 to 48 hours beginning the day I unpacked the pieces of shiny metal and plastic from the cardboard and Styrofoam I'm greeted with this little love note which causes my bowels to rumble and my spleen to argue with my liver and hypoythalomus gland :

For those of you too lazy to click on the image, here's a larger view of the important parts of the screen shot.

Twenty years ago I'd be coming home from the doctor with my right hand in a splint and getting out my wallet to pay for a new monitor, but fortunately like fine wine age has mellowed my temperament or maybe I'm just too tired to get all worked up over the antics and misbehavior of a dumb machine.
1 comment:
I bought two new laptops with Vista 13 months ago. To this date, they have not given me that message with the parrot one time, thank goodness. I have a Dell desktop with XL, had it about two years and have not had that message either. That computer tho is has to have the on-off button pushed several times to get it to boot up from cold shutdown. I think your prob is more likely HP than it is Vista. Hope it gets better.
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