Sunday, February 08, 2009

I'm Starting A "Political Activist" Campaign

Anyone Care To Join Me?

So can anyone tell me if the FBI will come knocking at my door if I mail all 100 US Senators a pack of these?

Maybe I could start a campaign and get people in all 50 states to send their Congressmen a pack of Peanut butter crackers or some Reeses Cups.

I'd be willing to coordinate the effort from here if I knew that they wouldn't act the same way they do these days when someone mails out envelopes full of talcum powder or corn starch.

I did defy fate and buy a new jar of my beloved Peter Pan Peanut Butter yesterday. Some of you probably think that I'm crazy but if you've been paying attention the tainted product is only included in "processed foods"...not in the jar variety like was the case a couple of years ago when my brand (Peter Pan) disappeared from the shelves for a half a year.

In closing I'd like to remind everyone that in spite of the fact that the company which shipped the contaminated product is initially responsible, you can also blame your beloved Socialistic GOVERNMENT--through the FDA and the Department of Agriculture-- for not adequately carrying out their oversight and inspection roles.

We pay a zillion dollars a year in taxes and the US Congress takes the money that should be "earmarked" to fund food inspection at the source (in the fields and barns) and in the factory where it is processed and diverts it off into competing areas while stupid companies like this ship pureed rats and roaches to your schools for your kids to eat.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well you are from one of the biggest peanut producing areas in the USA,LOL.So you do have connections. Good luck.