Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Happened To Summer?

Blackberry Winter Arrives In East Tennessee...

I planned to saw wood and apply paint to the finished Window Valance box structure over the past couple of days.

Of course just like last year about this time when I was cutting hinge slots and hardware holes in 5 new 6 panel doors, when it came time to smear paint the temperature dropped and the wind picked up to 30 MPH.

And right on schedule the bottom fell out of the ambient temperature again this year.

It only made it into the mid 50's yesterday and after sinking into the low 40's overnight things got back to about 63 degrees F so I could finish painting while chasing my cheap plastic drop cloths around the Carport trying to keep them off the wet paint.

It's heading into the upper 30's tonight with a chance of frost and the Weather Nerds are predicting tying or breaking the 38 deg F record set way back in 1976.

That Global Warming...she be a bitch...

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