Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Hands Hurt

Pat Taking Time Off...

Well Ladies & Gentlemen, I guess I finally reached my limit in the world of home improvement.

Two Grand worth of raw material in the form of sticks or bricks or tiles or boards or raw door slabs is a lot of stuff to try and install in a week.

Of course if you buy me a $2000 front door or a $2000 Chandelier I can probably get them installed in a couple of days, but dozens if not hundreds of pieces of individual crap...

At least I still have two more days before the effort extends beyond a week but the staining and varnishing of the two solid core exterior doors will have to wait until the rain passes and the humidity drops down below 70% so it's gonna be next week regardless of any Herculean efforts I may try to expend.

I managed to break Pat's back wound my helper handling heavy boxes of laminate flooring and bags of mulch so she took a well deserved day off yesterday and will probably be on the sidelines for a while longer.

Today is day two of paint and trim installation and there's another trip to Home Depot in the works and Missy the Turbo Pup will be on guard to give everyone a good barking when needed.

Other than that, I'm too exasperated with all of this ACORN crap in the news...or the lack it seems that FOX News is the only one not willing to totally ignore the scandal as it develops.

This isn't intended to be a bigoted or a racist statement, but here goes.

I've said all along since the early days of the Obama campaign that the attendance at his events looked like a Freak show and a Circus and that the crowd he was pandering to and depending on to elect him to the Presidency could not be raised above the consequences of their own poor choices in life (educational, professional, sexual, and skin color be damned)by any "preferences" and "diversity programs" and the expenditure of any amount of taxpayer dollars.

Now I offer as proof the revelations that instead of closing their Whorehouses and going into legitimate business or funding getting an education, these idiots just want to use our money to build a bigger, better building and import a fleet of new illegals and put them in the business of breaking our laws...possibly in my neighborhood.

I say that they've proven time and time again that they can't or won't be helped and I'm tired of paying Government idiots to give them just one more chance or start one more boondoggle program designed to fail from its inception.

Enough already...Dammit...

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