Sunday, October 18, 2009

Donna Shalala Speaks...

Think About This Government Issued Bullshit...


"those of us that have coverage [health insurance]...can't afford to continue to pay for those of us that don't under our current system..."

I ended up spitting on my computer monitor as I watched this former Clinton era Head of the Department of Health and Human Resources bumble around talking to FOX News Mike Huckaby...

because I have to remind everyone of this.

(taking a big breath here...)


They print money, but unless SOMEONE works to pay for it in exchange, it's worth nothing.

Thus the government has to come to a house, knock on a door, point a gun, and proceed to STEAL the MONEY from SOMEONE in order to GIVE it to SOMEONE ELSE.

Food, clothing, a roof, or "HEALTHCARE", it's still paid for with someone else's money if you don't pay for it.

Are you actually willing to demand a portion of someone else's life, energy, and efforts in order to pay for something you mistakenly believe you have a RIGHT to?

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