Monday, October 12, 2009

Nobel Committee Slights Obama

Prize In Economics Goes To Michael Vick

Coming up for air after working in my basement shop all morning, I was cruising Drudge Report trying to find out what was happening in the world when I saw this Wall Street Journal Story lamenting President Obama NOT receiving the Nobel Prize in Economics this year.

With a little more Googling I found this secret photo of the Nobel Committee deliberating their internationally significant earth-shattering decisions:

Obama has as much business winning the Nobel Prize in ANYTHING...Economics, Physics, Peace, or Bungee I have showing up at the Super Bowl in a Helmet, pads, and a Football Uniform.

Speaking of Football, here's a photo of this years Nobel Economics winner prior to declaring bankruptcy after going to jail and forfeiting his Zillion dollar a year contract with the Atlanta Falcons...

You got to love a Brother with spirit...


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