Thursday, December 03, 2009

I'm Off To See The Wizard Buy More Tools

Things Women Should Know...

I'm taking a risk here this morning making this confession, but in the spirit of the Holiday Season I think that I will tender the following insight on male thinking to the fairer sex--for those that haven't already figured it out some time ago (like the week after your Honeymoon.)

A man...rather...a real MAN...will use any given project at any given time as an excuse to purchase a tool.

Maybe several.

And given only the limitations of things like income and credit limits will the size and complexity of the tool be thereby specified and determined (specifications and determinations being beyond the scope of this discussion this morning.)

For instance, say that you are sitting happily in your new house and everyone decided that your gutters and roof need cleaning?

Why settle for this...

when you might possibly talk your wife or girlfriend (or significant other) into letting you buy this...

Or say that you want to rotate the tires on your mini-van once in a while to save $31.97 every six months?

Everyone knows your task could be accomplished with one of these and a couple of jack stands....

But wouldn't this look really cool in your garage or carport (and of course you'd have to buy the ATV's/jet skis and the vintage Camaro just to complete the is...after all...a SET...Honey...

That's exactly the position I find myself in this morning...deciding between the minimal tools I "really need", things I "have to have", and the stuff that would really be cool and if I'm doing it why not go all the way because...

"I'll just end up buying one of "ABC" at some time in the future..."

That said it's time to get moving in the shop and finish the day's "tool purchase list," then head over to Mecca Northern Tool.

(I get all a tingle just thinking about it...)


Ed Drew said...

And given only the limitations of things like income and credit limits

I've always been a 'tool guy' also, but I had to laugh when I read that sentence above because I just recently recognized an even bigger 'limitation'.

while on vacation at Gulf Shores in August, I went in a tool store at that outlet mall in Foley (well known). I saw a beautiful table saw for an outstanding price and started to buy it when I suddenly said to myself "hey, I'm 69 years old, that tool will outlive me by many years". I didn't buy it.

Virgil Rogers said... problem wouldn't be worrying about the tool out living would be figuring out how to strap it down on the roof of the car or renting/buying a trailer to get it back home.

Ed Drew said...

But then, you're only 50.

Unknown said...

"Tim the Tool Man" couldn't have said it better!
As a 'tool man' myself, I just found a great brand new tool on the market and can only be purchased over the net.
If you hate cleaning your rain gutters or are concerned about dangerous ladders, when cleaning them, this brand new, American Made gutter cleaning attachment tool is a "must" for ever guy out there, with rain gutters to clean!
Check out their site at and I've been told they have just added a 54" extension to their product line for those of us that have 2nd story and 1/2 gutters we want vacuumed out from the ground.
Also, don't forget to check out their "customer comments" and I will go along with 99.9% of them all.
Go get that NEW tool to add to your gadget list for Christmas, I also bought one for my friend so he leaves mine alone!