Sunday, January 17, 2010

Can I Get Any More Lazy?

Professionally Frivolously Distracted...

Oh...I don't know...where to start blithering this morning...

I'm sitting here looking at the boxes and giant bags of packing peanuts laying in a pile in one corner of the shop, but I've been paralyzed the past day and one half trying to get the final details checked off the punch list on these PLC Panels, and even with hiring a software programming consultant last week I managed to go backwards on Friday and Saturday because he did the revisions in version 9.0 of the Cscape software and I was running version 8.8 on both my computers.

And did I mention that my customer asked for some changes on the second panel that required "free" software and hardware revisions and the associated delay so we could make both panels match each other since they were both still laying here in the building?

And of course as usual with the downloading and updating of new technical non-consumer software, it was generally a pain in the butt requiring me to do cartwheels and mental hand stands and back flips before getting things back to normal...a couple of extra unplanned hours when it was all said and done.

Just now when I thought I was "home free" with regard to shipping things out on Monday my Infrared Sensors seem to have lost their collective minds and so when I get through writing here I'm going to have to take a hammer and beat the crap out of everything go back through the calibration process and see if I can make the temperature readings make sense.

Apparently I'm smart, but inevitably not smart enough many times when I'm allowed to wander off in the business world and start selling things I sometimes shouldn't be allowed to get involved in I guess.

Do me a favor and hang up if I call your house and in a fit of entrepreneurial fever offer you some sort of new super duper gun or a hand grenade or a new slimming, form fitting Kevlar/Spandex/Nomex fire proof bra and/or girdle for your wife or Grandmother.

Somebody save me from myself...


(did I tell you about my new Rogers' Turbo-Sonic Hydrodynamic Pulse Doppler Laser Nippleometer?)

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