Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More Butter Pornography Phantasies Fantasies

Drawing My Plugra...Is That Legal In Tennessee?

I'm sitting here trying to stop thinking about the King Crab Legs I have thawing in a giant boiler filled with lemon water in the sink right now.

You see, this evening after running a couple of errands and having a couple of cocktails at our local watering hole, I'm coming home and while those suckers are drained and steaming on the stove top, and a couple of ears of corn and some big red potatoes are boiling in a pot, I'm melting a stick of my new found friend--"Pugra"-- in a little stainless steel boiler and skimming the milk solids off the top of the liquid...and then dipping my steamed crab meat in it and thinking thoughts that probably shouldn't be associated with food....

You can take all of the above for what it's least I got over the idea of streaking unclothed down the street smeared in expensive dairy products...the voices told me it wasn't a good idea...

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