Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Microwave Died

If It Isn't One Thing, It's Another...

The way I see things, the advantage of living in a near 50 year old house is that "they don't make 'em like that anymore."

...solid brick exterior construction. Real wood grown over thirty to fifty years rather than that soft "white wood" stuff they sell in the big box home improvement stores...

But (but not Butt)...

The disadvantage of having a house near a half century old is that everything in it is almost as old as I am, and even the parts that have been added or replaced have ten or fifteen years on them and thus...

this morning when Pat endeavored to heat her water for her morning cup of fancy White Tea all she got was buzzing sounds and a curl of acrid smoke in response to pressing the "start" button...

And now I'm faced with the task of unbolting a 50 pound chunk of sheet metal and plastic and electrical wires from the walls and cabinet (with no instruction manual) and replacing it with a new device.

I really want a convection microwave combination, and with the vent hood option that more than doubles the basic cost of the appliance, so with present finances and priorities I guess that our home will enjoy a reduction in the total output of electromagnetic radiation for a month or so until I can get off my butt and bring another device into the building.

My guess is that the water heater and the 25 year old Heat Pump System (it cools but struggles to heat) are not far behind on the list of age induced infrastructure casualties, and all I ask is that I be able to plan things and research the alternatives so we're not just running out and buying a given piece of machinery in a panic.

That said, I guess that it's time to go now and Google myself to death looking at technical specs and pricing for the replacement unit.

An injuneer's work is never done...and unfortunately for me, even if it is done, I'll generally find something inconsequential to obsess over just for know?

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