Friday, April 02, 2010

Feeding The Masses

Thinking About How Today's Government Would Have Shut Jesus Down...

You do understand that, in spite of not having ADD or ADHD, I wander around all day thinking about a whole bunch of different stuff.

Sometimes I think I should carry a tape recorder because for every good blog I write-other than just diary stuff like "I cooked" or "I'm mad" or "I'm tired" or "I'm busy", I come up with another half dozen good ideas which I promptly forget or otherwise can't remember by the time I wander back in front of the computer.

Seriously, it's gotten to where I actually think in blogger/editorial form.

Something will happen to me or around me or otherwise pop into my mind, and I can outline the subject and think to myself what a great posting it would be and then WHAM something else distracts me and I can't get to the Keyboard before the idea is gone out of my every greying, ever balding head.

And yes...I do actually manage to spend some time away from my computers...I could walk away right now and spend a couple of hours couple of minutes enough seconds to run to the restroom...


I can...

I CAN...

OK...Just this one time I'll stay here in front of the Keyboard...


(taking a big breath here Boss...)

So any way, for some reason--probably because yesterday was Good Friday and Sunday is Easter--I was thinking about stuff and while cooking I was thinking about the story of the Loaves and Fishes.

You know...the one told in Matthew 14, verses 13 through 21?

You can get out your bible like I did and read it, or here on the blog I'll just use this good summary from Wikipedia:

According to the Gospels, when Jesus heard that John the Baptist had been killed, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place near Bethsaida.[3]

The crowds followed Jesus on foot from the towns.

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, "This is a remote place, and it's already getting late.

Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food."

Jesus replied, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat."

"We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish," they answered.

"Bring them here to me," he said.

Jesus directed the people to sit down on the grass.

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.

The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.

That's a pretty interesting story, and there is a good deal of speculation as to the exact meaning of the message if you read stuff written by the "biblical scholars," but taking it literally, can you imagine what would happen if Jesus was wandering around here in the United By God States of 'Merica today?

First of all, the local Police Department would probably have arrested him or at least forced the crowd to leave before he was able to perform his miracle because they didn't have a permit for the gathering.

But IF he had the foresight to try to get the disciples to run down and fill out an application and pay the fee, the Zoning Department would most likely have refused to issue a permit because the area was designated D4-Desert and Arid Tundra Areas.

And IF he had managed to get a permit, he'd have had to supply off duty police officers for security and had a bunch of porta-johns delivered to the venue, and issue permits to the street vendors selling the "WWJD" t-shirts and so on...

And then IF the Health Department found out he was serving dinner, they would have come out, made an inspection, and they WOULD HAVE SHUT THE WHOLE THING DOWN...

because the area didn't have potable water, and the kitchen employees didn't have hot water and hand sanitizer to wash their hands when returning from the porta-johns, and they didn't have an OSHA/ASHRAE/ASME approved vent hood system in the kitchen.


You see, ladies and gentlemen, if it were up to our government and the idiots running most of it, the events which are described to have taken place in Matthew 14:13-21 would have never happened.

In fact, in my opinion a good deal of the stuff which happened in the Bible is against the law today.

Water into Wine?

The Federal and State "Revenuers" would come out...Prohibition Style...and arrest him on the spot for illegally making an intoxicating beverage without a license and paying the taxes thereon.

Moses and the Burning Bush?

He would have had to have a burn permit else face a fine.

Parting the Red Sea?

Required by a Federal District Court Judge to have a three year environmental impact study, then PETA and Greenpeace would file endless court protests and the Egyptians would have had free mud bricks and servants today.

Ten Commandments on a Stone Tablet?

Two words...MINING PERMIT ( and see "parting the Sea" above about impact studies and lawsuits...)

Adam and Eve...naked in public.

Just fine in San Francisco, broadcast live on U-Tube, but a little risky here in Eastern Tennessee.

As you can see, I could go on and on and on (Delila cutting hair without a License/permit)and feel free to make up your own examples if you want.

And please understand that I'm not making fun of the bible and the value of the stories it tells and religious beliefs it supports, I'm just pointing out, tongue in cheek, how far things have slid in the past 2010 years in our lives and our freedoms and government.

The Romans and Egyptians and Persians had nothing in their program of oppression and slavery compared to your local city hall and state capital and the likes of Obamarama and Reid and Pelosi...

It seems to me that the honest, hard working, God fearing Conservative Americans today have been delivered like the Israelites into the hands of the Philistines, and that's just a sad state of affairs.

By the a biblical occurred to me while writing this posting...

2000 years ago, wouldn't it be a "Porta-John the Baptist"?


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