Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Years In November

Cranky Holiday Contemplations...

For some reason it occurred to me today that as America and more specifically, Americans, head into this Holiday season that I haven't had a real job from whence to take "holiday vacation" from but a single year since 1990--that being the year 2008-- when we moved up here from our Little Island in Georgia to Knoxtown before the idiots running Lambert Engineers decided to close things down December 19th, 2008.

All the other years before and after (post 1989) I was un-employed "self employed" so the days and weeks leading up to the holidays were no different on a schedule basis to me personally from a day or week in March or June or September.

Maybe that's the reason I get so cranky now in late November and December...

...because I generally find that it's virtually impossible to get anything done professionally between the week before Thanksgiving and the week after the following January 1st.

It seems that all of you regular people out there with "real jobs" are busy taking time off in order to burn your left over vacation days...not to mention taking the regular scheduled holiday days off on the calendar.


As a business man and entrepreneur, I might as well wipe the six weeks encompassing late November until the end of the College Football BCS season in January out of my Daytimer Microsoft Outlook Calendar because of your behavior.

Dang IT...

Unless you sell something holiday related like turkeys or Christmas trees or fake snow or something with the word "seasons" or "Yule" in the title...I can't find anything I want or need in the Engineering department of most firms I call or e-mail because the person responsible is home spraying fake snow on fake trees else bouncing grandchildren on knees while looking at the aforementioned fake snow laden fake trees.

So let me just go ahead and issue my first hearty "BAH HUMBUG" of the 2010 Holiday season and get things rolling...

Is it just me?

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