Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Working On Vacation

Not Quite What I Had Planned...

Day three of this week's so called "vacation" finds me back in the position to possibly actually do nothing for a while today.

Then again my cell phone could bring more excitement like it has over the past two days--both of them being twelve plus hour marathons trying to piece together a new project long distance and get all of the components on order.

Then yesterday the guys up in Maryland I've been after since December called and commanded my presence the last week of this month so I had to write them a proposal and work out the airline flights and other travel details in order to minimize the costs and then sheesh...

I didn't get near a fishing pole or the lake at all yesterday and only for a few minutes early Monday afternoon before the rain came in.

We're heading east across the Florida panhandle either this afternoon or tomorrow morning depending on a couple of more things that have to be done this morning.

Depending on where we end up tonight I may or may not have a Internet connection, so until I'm back on line...

Regards Y'all...

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